
Her First Outing

"Hime-nee-chan, are you okay?!"

"Darling, if you're sick, just tell me, alright?"

"Don't make your mother worry like this, Hime."


Let's wind back a few minutes.

After the embarrassing luncheon that I was faced with, I raised a simple question. "Would any of you be willing to accompany me to explore the city? I suppose I should familiarise myself with this world."

The family burst into laughter, as though I had made a hilarious jest.

"How impudent! To laugh at my earnest request."

"Ah, okay nee-chan, I'll play your game with you! Show me your city!"

"This world is not my own, you ignorant boy. Is it not yours?"

"I guess so~ Where should we go then?"

"I suppose out that door." I pointed to the front door, that seemingly leads to the outside world.

And after a few exhausting minutes of being stared at in shock, we are here. I am being bombarded with questions about my health and mental state. Goodness, was something wrong with this body?! "I simply want to go outside!"

"But… Hime-chan, you haven't been out of the house in three years…"

"Have I not been clear? I am not 'Hime' but Atrina, Atrina Elysia Florence! Your 'Hime' is gone, and I am here in her stead. Understood?"

'My' mother gives me a solemn smile, and puts an arm around me. "…Alright, Atrina-chan. Then, should we head out soon? There's lots for you to see outside!"

…Somehow, I am not sure if she understood.

In this world, in place of magic, there seems to be this phenomenon called 'science'. Though I hold pride in what my country has accomplished through our mages' research and studies, science is just as fascinating! To be connected to someone acres away through a strange box called a "phone" is a feat that even magic has yet to achieve.

It also seems that this world lacks a monarchy, at least in "Japan". Apparently there are many other countries out there, each with their own different rules and languages. It is not unlike my world, I suppose, for there were alliances without a royal family to rule over them. However, none of them were as flourishing as anything in this world. Most everyone is literate, and commoners can bathe themselves every day! What a wonderful place.

In any case, though I do not think 'my' mother fully understood the brevity of my words, she still answers my questions with great ease and comprehensively, thus I do not believe she is unintelligent. I wonder why she does not believe me!

Furthermore, I have learnt that in this world, fashion standards are… preposterous! To see women showing their ankles and shoulders in public! Men with unruly hair and unshaven faces! It makes me nauseous to see, truly.

"Atrina-chan, would you like to shop for some new clothes? Since you're no longer Hime-chan, maybe it's feel nice to have a change?"

"As long as it is not indecent, I would like to." I eye 'my' mother's shirt that exposes her back, and her short skirt that shows her knees.

"What do you consider indecent, dear?"

"The areas from my shoulders to my ankles must be covered." I gesture to my own body, and which areas I would like to stay out of the public eye. "It must be a dress, of course, and not whatever your outfit comprises of."

"My, my, Atrina-chan! You sure are old fashioned~ But, I'm not sure if we could find anything like that… Besides, now that you're in a new world, shouldn't you adhere to our fashion standards?"

"I- But- It's-"

…I suppose she has a point.

"Only… only a little."

And with my ill-informed consent, 'my' mothers eyes light up as she drags me through store after store, throwing me different clothes that I could not imagine wearing until the pile in my arms is taller than my head.

"Let's go get changed, now~"

As we walk to the changing rooms, I look around for any attendants to aid us in our shopping. However, all I see are customers coming in and out of stalls alone.

"Are we expected to change on our own…?"

'My' mother looks at me strangely, but soon lights up once more.

"Would you like your mother to help you out with changing~?"

"…If you insist."

Though I find each set of clothing much too scantily clad for my tastes, 'my' mother gleefully buys them all. Furthermore, instead of changing back into my original outfit, she insists on having me wear one of the clothing sets we have just purchased. Thus, I am wearing a green knee-length dress with a white cardigan on top. If the dress were longer, it would actually be quite pretty, however…

"I do not believe such an outfit fits such a plain face… especially with such wretched hair." I mutter to myself, bitter. I miss my own body, my own face and hair and voice. I miss my language and my world. But it feels as though… I cannot return to that.

"Should we give you a makeover, then?" 'My' mother claps gleefully, and points to a nearby salon.

Finally! Though this body may not be as beautiful as I am, perhaps with some grooming, it will not be so plain and average. I eagerly take her hand and walk over to the saloon, excited for my so-called 'makeover'.

The sensation of someone massaging my scalp and face reminds me of my time back in my world, when my maids would ready me for a ball. Hours upon hours of bathing and grooming in order to further highlight my beauty. Though, at the time I had dreaded those moments, somehow I find myself missing those times.

Long after the sun sets, I am finally finished with my 'makeover'. In the mirror, stares back a rather pretty girl! Is this really the same body? The choppy and uneven hair has been styled into a rather cute bob, and though my skin still has pimples and acne, there is a luminous glow on my skin, and my unruly eyebrows have been plucked to perfection. My dry and grimy skin feels soft and clean, and my chipped nails have been painted on with some strange clear lacquer in order to strengthen them.

"Beautiful…" I mumble, as I touch this yet again unfamiliar face.

"You really are pretty, Atrina-chan." 'My' mother says, as we make our way home from the store, dragging along bags filled with clothes. "It's a shame your clothes and makeover costs so much, though…"

Of course! Money! I had forgotten that commoners do not have treasuries filled with gold to spend on their luxuries.

"How much is the cost?"

"Welllll, it's… a lot, Atrina-chan~" 'My' mother muses, a strange glisten in her eyes. "I don't know if I can pay it all, so…

"Why don't you get a job?"

The royal princess of Khavaria has been reduced to this.

I stare at the brightly lit sign ahead of me.

'FAMILYMART' it reads.

As does the embroidery on my shirt.

Oh, how far the mighty hath fallen.

hii, tysm for reading!! i hope you’re enjoying the story as much as i am writing it~ i’m hoping to upload daily if possible, so be sure to check in for a new chapter often!!

- puff <3

puffglowcreators' thoughts