
The Villainess Defies Fate

When Louise is suddenly transported into the world of her favorite game, she is shocked to learn that she has taken the role of the villainess who is fated to die a terrible death. Despite being told by a mysterious deity that she cannot escape her destiny, Louise refuses to accept this cruel fate and is determined to find a way to change the course of the game's events. But with the odds seemingly stacked against her, can she really alter the course of destiny and ensure a happy ending for herself and those around her?

Nao_Sicaru · ย้อนยุค
4 Chs


With dark circles and bags under her eyes, Louise gazed blankly into the ceiling. The windows glowed with the light of dawn, and her thoughts were scattered all around. The unsettling meeting with the mysterious deity had left her stumped and full of questions begging for answers.

She wondered to herself; how could she possibly be like the Villainess? Their lives were nothing alike. Why did the deity bother telling her all this? Even under the pretext that it was his responsibility to inform her of her role, she found it unreasonable. But most importantly, how would she avoid her death? The most pressing of issues, and the one which she had valiantly declared she would avoid was now in question.

<<No good…my brain isn't braining.>>

The exhaustion and sleep deprivation had really taken a toll on Louise, but after a long, tired breath, she decided to act.

<<I can't waste any more time>> and as such, despite her body's desperate pleas for rest, Louise quickly got up from the bed, grabbing the nearby bell and ringing it. Immediately, a maid would walk into the bedroom.

"Did you call for me my lady?"

"Yes, could you please get me some pieces of paper and something to write with."


A rather unusual request to the maid, but <<perhaps she's writing a letter>> she tried to justify.

The maid would return with a couple pieces of parchment paper, a bottle of ink, and a quill. Louise using the quill began to write a list of things on the paper.

"If it isn't too much trouble, could you bring me books on these matters?"

The maid who had dedicated 18 years of her life to the manor at that point could not believe it. The lady who she had served for a long time and thought she knew, was now suddenly saying "please" and being considerate. She thought it may be a temporary side effect of the amnesia, so she disregarded it. But as if the sudden change in behavior wasn't enough, her sudden request for books had left her completely bewildered.

"…I apologize my lady…did you say books? Perhaps you meant magazines?"

"No…I specifically asked for books."

"I apologize for my presumptuousness; I will get them for you right away."

<<Was the original villainess illiterate or something?>> thought Louise.

After the odd conversation, the maid left in search of the books, and while doing so, Louise began to organize her thoughts. But more importantly, she began to write down all the knowledge she had about the world she was in.

"World of an otome game, multiple capture targets, heroine, royal academy, Villainess, multiple possible deaths, poison, stabbing, framing…Possible counters…"

Louise had wasted no time, but her bizarre actions and requests, especially the latest one for books, would catch the attention of many workers in the manor. As such, rumors surrounding the lady's condition began to spread like wildfire.

In a random hall there are three maids presumably cleaning the area.

"I heard the lady asked for books, maybe she's finally gone mad?"

"Crazier than she already was? Her violent outbursts always scream crazy if you ask me."

"I'm sure she's just faking her memory loss. This sudden change for books is probably just another one of her attention-seeking plots. I mean we're talking about the lady here! She said it herself; books are meaningless when you possess absolute beauty."

"It'd be nice if she actually changed. Everyone always exits her room with at least a bruise. If she finally calmed down our jobs would be a heck of a lot easier."

"Let's pray that's the case, but we should get back to work. We don't want to be caught badmouthing the lady by the butler."

"Pfft, like anybody cares if we badmouth the lady, she's already called the mad hound for a reason."

A streak of giggles leaks out from the little group.

However, unbeknownst to the maids, a mysterious young gentleman listens to their conversation from around the corner.

"Her and books? Ha. Don't make me laugh" the mysterious gentleman let out a mocking chuckle before going on his way.

Back in her bedroom, Louise held a book titled "Agricultural techniques II: When is the best time to harvest."

<<I see… a 5-day week instead of 7, the old man from before said two weeks until I leave, so I have 9 days left.>>

Louise had learned of the unique calendar of this world, one consisting of a 12-month year with a 5-day week. More curiously, they all had peculiar names such as Rainblade, Suncrest, or Goldharvest. The days of the week also had unique names; Sunspin, Moonreach, Starfall, Hearthglow and Wildwisp.

Furthermore, the books that the maid had brought allowed Louise to confirm many other things. For one, she realized that not only could she read, but also write in a language she had never seen before. But also that the world she had entered, had an entire history of its own. Vast, and rich in culture, one not covered by the original game.

It didn't help either that the game also had almost no information on the Villainess. Her sole purpose being an antagonist who would meet her demise no matter the route, a plot driven mechanism intended to make the heroine and the capture targets become closer.

But from all the books she had asked for, the one which piqued her interest the most was one titled "Fundamentals of Magic theory: A door into the secrets of the world."

With the number of books, she had requested, she found it likely to be <<more than enough information for now>>. If it was up to Louise, she would want nothing to do with anyone, and maintain her distance. But if she wanted to change the image of a Villainess she would have in the future, her first course of action was a simple one, behave kindly to everyone from now on.

A knock abruptly came from the door, and when the person came in, Louise recognized her. It was the first maid she had seen, the one who had cowered in fear. An adorable girl with orange hair and blue eyes that reminded Louise of a tiny harmless hamster.

<<What a cute maid…>>

"M-morning my lady, I have come to relay a message, the duke requests your presence at his office."

<<The duke of Forst huh…I guess it isn't strange for a father to worry about his daughter. Let's just hope he's one of those doting fathers I've read about on other novels.>>

The duchy of Forst, one of the five most influential families in the empire. But despite their fame, Louise knew very little about them, the game only ever mentioned the duke by name, while her brother was a minor and insignificant character. The only time they were involved was whenever the Villainess would meet her demise, to which her family would shortly follow.

"I understand, please tell him I will be there soon."

"As you wish my lady, I will call on the others to suit you in a most adequate dress." Promptly bowing and exiting the room.

Not a full minute had passed before a group of 5 maids would arrive and enter the room with such diligence that one could not help but be impressed at their speed. Before Louise realized what was happening the maids dragged her around like a puppet.

"Wait" pleaded Louise in an uncomfortable tone. An understandable response to being dragged around by 5 complete strangers who she had just met. However, her heed for a momentary pause was not listened to.

The maids continued to undress her, removing her gown, and leaving her exposed, to which Louise would attempt to cover with little success.

"Miss, please move your arms out of the way so we can quickly dress you up."

"Please, I said to wait."

No response and the maids continued. After nearly finishing putting on a beautiful red velvet dress, Louise could not handle the overwhelming sensation of being dragged around anymore. It reminded her of unpleasant memories of her past life, memories of a time when she could do nothing.


The air had become tense. All the maids had finally stopped, however they all instantly hunched over, their arms protecting their heads, as if expecting to be battered by something. Their unexpected response would result in a maid slowly backing into a pillar with a flower vase. Because they covered their heads, it meant that they had severely limited their peripheral vision, and the carelessness of this maid would knock the vase over, shattering it into pieces.

"I WAS WRONG PLEASE FORGIVE ME MISS" pleaded the maid who dropped to her knees, her face visibly pale and on the verge of tears, while her body was shaking.

None of the other maids dared to interfere. They all held their breath and watched silently. They looked with pity and lament at the maid who had committed such a grave mistake…but their eyes were also full of anticipation, waiting to see the reaction of their lady. Would she punish the maid? Proving that their lady was still the same ruthless and arrogant noble they knew. Or would she show mercy and confirm their suspicions that perhaps the lady had changed. Of course, Louise knew what she should do.

Louise slowly lowered herself until she matched the height of the maid who was on the floor and in the most soothing voice she could muster, she would say "Please stand up."

"It was my fault for overreacting in the first place, you were just doing your job. It's just a vase anyways, accidents happen, I won't punish you."

The maid was surprised and relieved. She had expected to be severely punished, but upon hearing the words of Louise, she thought to herself <<did the lady really just admit fault?>> She felt moved, the entire time she had been looking at the ground avoiding her gaze, but after such an act of kindness she couldn't help but look at Louise… to which she was horrified.

Louise had forgotten to account for one, thing, her face was that of an undeniable villain. Upon seeing the smile Louise had put on, all the maids instincts screamed danger. Her face was so sinister and nefarious that there was only one thought in the mind of the maid who was on the floor.

<<She's going to kill me.>>

The words "Death" kept repeating over and over in the maid's head as Louise extended her hand to the maid, until eventually she couldn't handle it anymore, and fainted.

The room erupted into chaos. The maids panicked trying to help the person who had just fainted, while Louise could only stare and contemplate the absurdity of the situation.


"Are you alright Miss? You have been spacing out for quite a while" inquired the head butler.

"I'm fine, I was just a little distracted by things, that's all."

The head butler, a short and robust man had come to guide Louise to the duke's office, since she had no idea where anything was. His appearance reminded Louise of a certain board game mascot where players competed to get rich before their opponents, while his mannerisms were reminiscent to that of an old cartoon character she had watched as a child by the name of Droopy. Even the way he walked was endearing; he took two steps for every one of Louise's.

"I heard there was some type of commotion in your room."

It was odd to Louise that the butler wouldn't be informed about the incident that happened in her room. After all, if anyone knew what occurred inside the mansion, it was none other than the butler. She could only arrive at one conclusion.

<<He's testing me>>

"I heard a maid caused quite a bit of trouble; would you like me to punish her?"

"There's no need, accidents happen all the time, if anything could you please check on a maid who fainted and make sure she is fine?"

"...yes, I will be sure to do that my lady."

Just as Louise had surmised the butler was indeed testing her. Testing if she would complain to him like she had done many times before, requesting for a maid to be punished, whipped, or fired. But she did not. In fact, Louise had shown concern for a worker, something that had never happened before.

Although not entirely convinced, he believed the lady had indeed changed somehow.

"We are here my lady."

"Thank you…Mr.…?"

"Steward Edmund at your service my lady"

"Thank you for showing me the way Sir Edmund."

Both Louise and the butler did a slight bow before the butler departed on his way.

Louise now stood before a dense and large ebony double door. She took a deep breath and exhaled before finally entering.

"You're here." Said a deep and coarse voice.

Only two individuals occupied the immense room. One was a young man who looked to be around the same age as Louise, though his presence was overshadowed by the man standing next to him. The tall and broad-shouldered figure appeared to be in his fifties, with a commanding presence that demanded attention. He shared the same sharp and piercing eyes as her, with his hair pulled back and a cold gaze. Duke Roy Forst, head of the house, and a man who was a complete mystery to Louise. The massive circular window behind him casted an ever-engulfing shadow over Louise, adding to the imposing atmosphere of the room.

Louise bowed in an attempt to imitate what she had seen in the original game.

"Father, brother, Louise Arrington of the house of Forst presen-"

Immediately she was met with a slap.

"When will you grow up?" said the duke in a voice that did not match his actions.

"How many more stupid decisions will you make? How will you find a way to plummet our esteemed family's reputation even further this time? "

For a moment, as the duke spoke words dripping with contempt, animosity, and disappointment, Louise thought she saw a mirage – a glimpse of her old father in the duke.

"You have everything you could ever want and yet you do that for your birthday."

Both her father and brother gazed at her like an eye sore.

"The doctor informed me that you have also apparently lost your memories…tell me, is that an act too?"

"…I'm afraid not, I truly have lost most of my memories, I understand if you do not believe me."

"True or not, it doesn't matter, your actions can't get any more outrageous than they already are. The past remains the past, what's important is what happens from now on. Both you and Lutz are set to depart for the academy soon, so Louise, I will give you one final warning."

The duke walked back to his desk and took a seat in his office chair, with his hands interlaced on top of the desk.

"The academy is a place where many members of influential noble families will gather, a place to meet and form connections. Of course, that also means that our already dire reputation will remain in you and your brother's hands. This is your last chance, bring any more shame to our family, and I will forcefully marry you off. At least that way you will be of some use. Have I made myself clear?"

"…yes… I promise I will never act that way again."

Louise thought that her new father in another story perhaps would have been the misunderstood duke. The one who everyone feared and regarded as a monster, only to turn out to be the kindest of them all and a true gentleman… However right now, he was just a plain rude asshole.

"Then that will be all I have nothing else to say to you, you are excused."

Louise bowed in front of the duke preparing to depart.

"You... don't tell me you have even forgotten how to bow properly", inquired the duke.

<<They can even notice that!??>> yes, yes they can

The duke let out a disappointed exhale breaking his emotionless and calm demeanor for the first time.

"We'll have to get you some teachers again…you can leave."

<<This ass… at least show an ounce of concern for your daughter! I just woke up from an accident and the first thing you do is slap me and tell me off. What did the original Louise even do to you??!>>

Louise took one final glare at the duke before the doors closed and she left for her bedroom.

"I don't understand why you are so lenient with her. She's already caused more than enough damage to our household. Why don't you marry her off already?!"

"Enough Lutz, it's true that she may have thrown hot tea at a lady during her debut, and-"

"Pushed another off some stairs? Went crazy that one time when she saw some ladies get close to the crown prince? Ordered the execution of multiple servants for the horrible crime of serving her hibiscus tea instead of limon grass? Spreading rumors and lies about other noble families?"


"Do you want me to go on?"

"She remains family Lutz, as I said, the academy will be her last chance to prove her worth to the family. Besides even if I wanted to get rid of her, I can't, I made a promise to your mother."

"Fine, let's just hope she doesn't get in my way."

Lutz exited the room afterwards, leaving the duke by himself.

The duke simply stared out the window, fondly reminiscing about the past.

"If only she resembled her mother more…I've given that child everything she's asked for to honor her memory, but I can't understand why she keeps up with this behavior. Especially after her latest attempt to end her life, just what is she unhappy about?"

The duke stood quietly thinking.

Meanwhile Louise rested in her own bed, with one hand on her cheek and the other on her forehead pushing her hair back. She thought to herself.

<<Even in her own home, she had no one.>>

"I guess that's why the deity said I shared something in common with the villainess."

I must admit, I underestimated the amount of effort required to write. Please leave questions or criticisms if something was left unclear or there was a mistake. Thanks and enjoy

P.s I hope its clear when <<>> is used that signifies a thought

Nao_Sicarucreators' thoughts