
264 – Excitement at the Marriage Registration Bureau

Fang's instincts were scarily accurate, actually, as they would learn soon enough.

The officers at the marriage registration bureau of Cosmopolis were shocked out of their skin when they printed out the list of appointments for the day that morning.

The junior officer, who had collected the papers from the printer, dropped the entire set on the floor when he noticed two of the names listed for the afternoon slot.

"What are you doing? How can you be so clumsy first thing in the morning?" his senior scolded.

"Sorry," the junior officer murmured, bending over and gathering all the papers. "I thought I saw the names of Prince Fang and Chairman Ren in the list of afternoon appointments for today…"

The senior officer frowned. "Exactly how much did you drink last night?" she scolded. "Go wash your face and drink some coffee to awaken your brains."