
263 – Fang’s Sudden Move

"I don't think that's particularly relevant, actually, Cousin Fang – or, perhaps, it was simply fate's way of telling you that these little ones were destined to be your babies?" Uno said. "In any case, my hypothesis takes effect when the babies gained magic and chose their heredity in terms of whether they would take after you or Ren."

Ren chuckled. "Sylvia and Snow chose to look like Fang because he looks better, actually," he said.

"Rudy looks like me because he thinks Ren would love him more if he looks like me," Fang said with a shrug.

Everyone laughed at that.

"I don't think that the reason matters, actually," Pax said. "It is enough that they chose to take after one of you for their magic to evolve accordingly. And there's one more thing which supports this hypothesis, actually – none of the babies showed any signs of dark magic until Fang awakened his."