
End of all the planing

He understood the complications of this situation. There could be multiple parties that could support that girl. Though the intention behind all of them was clear, the way to deal with each of them was complex.

Based on everything he told 6 more cases of this second situation.

Kane took some time and said, [We will deal with these cases by using the third way.]

<What is that?>

[We need to be diplomatic.] 

<Diplomatic how?>

[Well, right now you are the most easy target for others. We need to increase the risk factor. For that, we will drag your mom.]

His mind started working on this idea as he said, <Go on.>

[Remember our meeting with Willam that our 1st weapon. No one but us knew the content of that meeting and we can use that. We are going to convince that girl that the third party could not protect her from your mother and will most likely abandon her after the task.]

<oh this is a good plan. This will surely increase the risk and I don't think any of inner family kids dare to offend mom, but what if third party Jenny? It's not going work against her.>

[There is only one case where this plan may fail and this is if that girl has immense trust in Jenny.]

<mm >

[Here we need something that can threaten Jenny. I think you know what that can be.]

He asked with a frown, <Don't tell me, it's alliance?>

[Yup, we can threaten her with that information.]

<Ah… I don't think it's going to work. mean there must be plenty in the call who knew about these things right?>

[no no threatening about information leak is not scary in itself, but the fact that you know all of it. The key here is how you know all that.]

His eyes went wide. It hit him that Jenny would suspect that someone from the family told him everything.

He smirked, < Jenny will definitely suspect Willam for that.>

[Yeah and that will make her vigilant. She will start her investigation, which gives us ample time to make connections with those girls.]

He suddenly understood why those two girls were easy targets. He knew if he approached any of Sam, Chris, or Udo, those Duisburgs would not sit quietly

He shook his head and focused back. < I think I understand the whole thing, but there are still a few things that may lead to a failure of the task.>

[I know, any task that fails will become the worst case.]

He nodded, <yeah, so what is the plan to handle worst suicidal case? I don't think any of earlier ways could do anything in this case.>

[Well, we are going to use the last way in those cases which is 'Show them the consequences.']

He tilted his head, <What do you mean by that?>

[She is suicidal and she just wants to drag us. No talk will work on her, so better stop all that and use your fist for the rest of time.]

"What!" His eyes expanded and his mouth was wide open as he got on his feet. <Are you joking?>

Kane's serious voice came, [No. If she dares to mess with us, then use her to show others who they are dealing with.]

<But that doesn't solve the problem. It will make it even worse and all of decrease our chances joining group.>

[Agreed, but think about how that girl is going to respond to this.]

<Her response will not matter at that point.>

[You are wrong. I think she will become quiet after that. We need to make sure she fears you after and that it.]

He shook his head, < What about others? They are going to use this chance to spread the information about my past. It will be over at that point.>

[I do not deny that and that is why we are making all those plans to avoid the worst case. But let's be real, our plans can fail, right?]

<mm >

[In that situation, are not going to sit and let her ruin your reputation. No, we have to make sure she did not say anything about you, and we can convert all that extra information into some rumors. It is still better.]

This did not convince him, and he started thinking of other plans for the worst case. Another hour-long discussion started about finding other ways and all of that ended up at the dead end.

Sigh, he realized it was all about avoiding the worst case. Once things end in the worst case, then it would be all about damage control. He did not want that.

He took a deep breath to calm himself and said, < Thinking about the worst is a waste of time.>

[I told u.]

<Forget it. Let's refine other plans to avoid the worst case.>


He stopped thinking about the worst case and both of them started working on minute detail in the other plans. They also started working on a few external factors.

After gaining a clear picture, he got up and started acting in front of the big mirror beside the table. From time to time, Kane pointed out the flaws in his act, especially his facial expression and body language.

At the start, everything was very awkward. He was very stiff at doing the thing Kane was demanding.

Repeating the same line again and again was irritating. No matter how much he tries, his face remains stiff and awkward.

He took some deep breaths and started once again. His eyes were watery as he said the sad line, and soon he made an awkward smile and finally ended his act with a forced smile.

He fell on the floor after the act and asked in a desperate voice, <Is that good?>

Kane took his sweet time. < mm… It was passable.>


[You can still-]

He ignored Kane and jumped on the bed. <That it, not anymore!>

Kane started laughing, [haha okk, you can sleep now.]

He sighed in relief and closed his eyes. Everything became quiet, but a second later he asked Kane, <Do I need more practice? Are you sure we cover everything?>

Kane smiled hearing that worried tone. He reassures Drake, [Don't worry, we did everything we can. Let's just face her tomorrow…]

He was so tired that he blacked out. 

hope u like the chapter.

Champsingcreators' thoughts