
The Variable

In a world of magic, monsters and slayers, a boy from B-12, a dumping yard of the Pheonix Kingdom comes to enrol in the most prestigeous school of slayers, Dragon Horn academy, with high hopes of his future. However, heaven has different plans for him, for a world where magic is the most necessary talent in becoming a great monster slayer, he finds that he has none, How will he make up for his weakness? what can a mere human do in the might of magic and monsters? A story of a young boy who use wits, intelligence and strange powers to become one of the greatest slayers. #anti-harem#nocheatmainprotagonist

Zezzy · แฟนตาซี
38 Chs

The Chosen One

The time of selection has come, a child of prophecy from dirt, blessed by heaven was soon to be revealed onto this word and I unknowingly was ready for it. It would be a legendary tale right? a scrap from B-12 dumpster becoming the strongest monster slayer, it would prove that destiny still can be steered by one's own will.

So here we are standing infront of a boulder with an ancient rune on it, It was a simple test. We just have to touch it and based on our affinity the rune will glow in different colours. Starting from white,green,blue and Yellow. White being Qen, Ren is green, Yen is blue and Zen, the celestial rank, is Yellow. Zen is the rarest affinity, anyone who have Zen affinity will be automatically drafted into Hunter class, and Zen affinity only appeared one or two each year or sometimes not at all. Yen affinity was also rare, anyone with Yen affinity was promised with a successful Magic class career, you can chose to remain as a maker, a maker was also a part of Monster Slayer system, they engaged in making sophisticated slayer weapons, developing spells, traps and contributing to the advancement of magical science. Makers were not necessarily required to be on field, but slayers in magic class with Ren affinity were best suited out to be on fields, fighting along side Fighters class. According to rank, Magic capacity was also decided, Qen affinity had the bare minimum amount of magic realm inside them, they were only capable of using Enhanced Slayer weapons and casting low tier basic spell like enhanced vision and senses. Ren had double the amount of Qen affinity capacity, High tier spells required more magic. Ren affinity slayer were capable of casting mid tier spells and sometimes with intensive training, they can become a maker. Becoming a maker is a very difficult job unless one have Ren affinity, Making enhanced weapons didn't necessarily require alot of magic but rather a sharp understanding of magical properties and channeling. It was just that, by birth Ren affinity people were gifted with manipulation of magical energy, to them it came naturally. However, there were also Yen affinity Magic-Fighter class slayers who have excelled in field, with Yen affinity, you gain access to high tier spells easily and the perks of Yen affinity was that, having a certain amount of magical energy within one's body also strenghthened one's body like a Fighter class slayer even without training, sounds like a cheat and an unfair perk but there was, these were the gifts of having Yen affinity. If Yen affinity was bestowed with such gifted perks, you must be wondering about Zen affinity? I haven't forgotten about it and today, on this day of selection there would be two Zen affinity and few Yen rankers. Sorry to disappoint you, It wasn't me. You can do your guessing, I have already mentioned some interesting figures in this crowd, but I have, for your surprise, not mentioned one interesting figure. The revelation was soon to unfold but before that let me tell you about this Zen affinity, The Celestial rank. The rank that everyone desired and the pinaccle of slayer strength, is it true that strength and destiny are decided at the time of your birth?? The Celestial rank unlike the rest was capable of heavenly powers. Zen affinity candidates had ten times the capacity of Yen magical capacity, Magical energy came to them like bees flocking to nectars. Understanding Magic spells and learning spells came naturally as one knows of breathing. So with Ten times more capacity than Yen affinity, does it also mean they were ten times stronger physically than a normal fighter class? No, that was not entirely true, our physical body had a limit to how much strength it can obtain naturally without training. Yes, they were much more stronger and agile than any normal fighter class but not ten times. Even as heavenly gift, it would disrupt the balance of nature. With such high affinity they are capable of casting ancestral tier spells.

People lined up and one by one, our evaluation for magic started. By the time of third test, there were less than a hundred entries. I looked around and noticed those interesting figures were still there.

White light glowed for the first twenty candidates and the next two entries appeared a green and a blue. " Finally a Yen ranker, this year I hope we can pluck out atleast ten Yen rankers " said the examiner. He was a senior, not a teacher in the academy but a highly experienced slayer, maybe four or five years older than us?

White light still dominated and another five green lights also appeared but no more blue. Next was the most awaited candidate of this evaluation, Jeral. He went up and touched the stone gently accompanied by his cocky expression. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets the Zen affinity because what could go wrong for him, he, although I don't know his family background at that time was emitting an air of blessed than any other on the test.

The stone vibrated and a beam of yellow light scattered out in the hall fiercely. " A Ceslestial rank!! Blessed heavens, we haven't seen a Zen ranker in the last few years. Contact Master Wull immediately ! " exclaimed the examiner and behind him one of the slayer darted away to inform the emergence of a celestial rank. The crowd gaped in wonders, noises, whispers but deep down the amazement, I could smell envy and greed for themselves cause I was one of them. Nyaka was smiling and I could see excitement in her eyes. " Gwen " she said with her eyes fixed on him. " he is going to become a legend, trust my words " I nodded thinking how unfair it is to bestow all the gifts of heaven to someone who comes from a prestigious family, I presumed he must be since his appearance looked like a noble.

Next was the tall girl turn, it was not a surprise that she got Yen affinity. Next was Dan Vonter turn, it seems that Noble families were much favoured by heaven than scrap like us. Blue light glowed gently on the runes. It was my turn, yes, the revelation was near. I was decieved by my pride that my revelation would also incur the same intensity of excitment like Jeral, I was not to lose in terms of popularity. How amazing it would be for a kid from dumpster to be blessed with Zen affinity. Right?

That was my wish and I touched the stone gently, with thoughts of yellow light in my mind, the majestic light, a sign from heaven that you are not yet abandoned, that you are meant for great things, if I was bestowed with at the least a blue light, I was considering of forgiving everything that happened in my life, that every hardship I suffered was meant for this day, just so that I can be cleansed by the heavenly yellow light. Half a minute has already passed but I couldn't sense no vibration in the stone, nothing glowed.

Just like my mind went blank at the reality, the crowd was also silent.

Everyone waited for something magical to happened but nothing happened. What does it mean if no light were to glow, does it mean I have no magic affinity? that magic is not imbued in my body from birth? that I was a defect from birth? that my body cannot house magical energy even at the slightest amount?

Slowly, giggles and mockery rose from the crowd. I couldn't even remove my hand from the stone. I was empty, everything was over for me.

" Hmmmm, this is odd" said the senior. " I have heard of people with no magic affinity but stone should atleast vibrate, most fighter class don't have magic affinity but it doesn't mean they don't have entirely, it is just that the amount of magic capacity is so low that it fails to emit any light but stone always vibrate. There hasn't been a case of anyone with entirely zero magic capacity. Where do you come from, boy?"

Yes I succeded, I have atleast accomplished in arousing excitement if not talent, shame, my fate was the complete opposite of Jeral. I quickly descended from the platform and made room for the next evaluation, I walked and stood beside a corner waiting for this wretched reality to end. I couldn't even look at Nyaka but I felt she was looking at me with sympathy. Next was her turn, although I was bestowed with nothing, I hope Nyaka should atleast be blessed a green light, so that she could atleast become a Magic class slayer. It would set her career and future. She can earn and live a decent living. I was already imagining how I would seek out odd jobs in the street to earn a living.

Nyaka ascended the platform and touched the stone, I was praying" please! atleast a green light, a green light, a green light ". The worst was about to happened, I thought nothing could go worse when no light emitted from my evaluation, however, heaven has more plans for me.

A stream of yellow beams emitted fiercely from the runes.