
The vampires domain

she ran into the woods aimlessly without knowing she was entering the devil's lair........

Ezijenny · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

The king

"your highness i think it's going to rain" kaizan the king's right hand man said to the king.

King Devon is the king of Racona kingdom which the humans call the dark land. he is known as a very heartless ruler. who kills people easily without any reason and nobody will question him.

"your highness looks like there is somebody lying over there on the path, let me go and check" kaizan said as he came down from the carriage and started walking towards the unconscious person. "your highness it's a girl, i think she fainted" said kaizan. "what could a beautiful young girl be doing here and it looks like she came from a nearby village" he thought. Lucius came down from the carriage and walked towards the unconscious girl, it was a beautiful young girl with torn clothes lying down. "your highness should I carry her to the carriage " kaizan said only to receive a blood sucking stare from Lucius. 'let's go" Lucius said in his ice cold voice and turned round to leave only to hear a soft voice murmuring "mummy please don't go" Lucius was drawn to the voice that he couldn't leave her there and he asked kaizan to carry her to the carriage.

When they arrived, everybody was shocked to see kaizan carrying a human girl but nobody dared to look at her face to see her, everybody bent their necks in fear as Lucius passed. even the old butler Zeid did not dare look at her face.

Kaizan carried her to the guest room and asked the butler to look a human doctor to check on her.

The doctor finished checking on her and went to the court room to give his reports about her. she lacks blood in her body and she has a lot of wounds and bruises on her body.

"where am I" Valerie thought as she opened her eyes and found out that she is in a room. "Ohh no did Mr linston catch me, but this isn't my room, am i dead no I can't be dead, have i been kidnapped who would kidnapped me, " "save your thoughts young lady " Lucius said interrupting her thoughts making her sit up in fear as she winced because of her wounds.

"What a handsome man am I really dead that I can see an angel now" she thought again.

"what is your name young lady" asked Lucius but Valerie was still deep in thought that she couldn't reply. "Are you deaf and dumb" Lucius asked again since she was only staring at him.

he decided to leave the room since she was dumb.

Not long after he left did kaizan entered "oh my dear young lady are you really deaf and dumb like my master said" he said while touching her jet black hair "don't worry you are safe here my dear" he sat down on the bed.

"umm I think I should give you a name since you are deaf and dumb, maybe I should name you cherry because you were found near a cherry tree or should I name you....", "my name is Valerie" she interrupted him. "so you can talk, my dear, oh am so relieved, how are you, what was a young girl like you doing in the woods at night, don't you know that it's dangerous". "Lord kaizan can you please ask her one question at a time can't you see she is suprised" said the old butler Zeid who have been standing at the door since.

"Milady how are you doing, how is your body are you feeling any pain"

"Milady, since when did I become milady" Valerie thought shocked to hear herself being called milady. "I am fine thank you"

you don't need to thank me, it's my job milady.

"ok" she replied not feeling relaxed with the milady he called her. "Excuse me please where am I" she asked the butler as kaizan left. "Milady this is the palace of Racona the king brought you here four days ago when you were unconscious" he replied. "Four days, so i have been unconscious for four days" she asked.