
The Vampire Progenitor In Gaia

Ave_Lucifer · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs


The anticipation in the room was palpable as the voice echoed, "So now we will move to the main event. We will be unlocking your ascendants and welcoming a new era for humanity and Gaia."

Restlessness rippled through the crowd. This moment wasn't merely about personal evolution; it was an opportunity for those present to potentially lead humanity and even Gaia itself. The prospect of becoming rulers of their own worlds ignited a fire of ambition in their hearts.

A metallic sphere-like structure materialized before them, its mysterious aura capturing everyone's attention. The voice continued, "What you have in front of you is the key. It is what will unlock your ascendants. Now I want all of you to place your hand with the ascendant over the key. You will not be able to take your hands off until your ascension is completed."

Excitement surged, and heartbeats quickened as people approached the key. Raven, too, felt the magnetic pull between his hand and the sphere as he placed his hand over it. It was as if the sphere and his ascendant were calling out to each other, a union that couldn't be resisted.

As the last person placed their hand over their key, a luminous transformation swept through the room. Each key lit up, emitting a unique shade of light corresponding to the individual's ascendant. Raven's key shone with a mesmerizing blood-red glow, enveloping him in its radiant embrace.

Initially, there was a serene stillness, but it was soon shattered by an intense wave of pain. Raven's body convulsed as if needles were piercing every inch of his being. The agony was indescribable, both physically and mentally. He wasn't alone; the entire room resonated with anguished cries, a testament to the profound transformation underway.

Time seemed to warp as the ordeal persisted for what felt like an eternity. Some succumbed to unconsciousness, their bodies unable to endure the torment. A resilient few gritted their teeth, clinging to consciousness amidst the relentless onslaught of pain.

After what seemed like an eternity, the pain began to subside. Consciousness returned in fragments, accompanied by a newfound strength coursing through their veins. It was as though they had shed their old selves and emerged reborn, infused with potent energies.

The voice resounded once more, its tone carrying a sense of accomplishment, "Congratulations, all of you have successfully ascended. If you look at your hands, you'll find that the ascendants have been completely absorbed by your bodies. Now all of you are officially Progenitors."

Eagerly, everyone examined their hands, only to find the gems that once symbolized their ascendants had vanished. A tangible sense of transformation filled the air, marking the beginning of a new chapter for each individual.

"Now, for the intriguing part of discovering your new races. If you all could say 'status,' a screen similar to the one you've seen for the countdown will appear before you," the voice instructed.

A wave of voices echoed through the room as people eagerly called out their status. Raven joined in, his voice adding to the chorus of anticipation. A red screen materialized before him, unveiling his newfound identity.

Name: Raven

Race: Vampire

'Vampire huh… Maybe not the best, but I'm happy with it,' Raven thought to himself, a mixture of excitement and curiosity fueling his aspirations for the future.

Surveying the room, Raven noticed a range of emotions reflected on people's faces as they glanced at their status screens. Some wore expressions of delight, while others seemed contemplative or uncertain. Despite the diverse reactions, a sense of unity prevailed as everyone awaited the voice's next instructions.

Raven also observed that while he could see the status screens with different colors all around him, he couldn't discern their contents. It dawned on him that he might need their permission to view the details on their screens, a subtle reminder of the mutual respect and privacy inherent in their newfound roles.

As the excitement ebbed and anticipation lingered, the voice broke the silence once more, "Good, now that everyone is done, you shall be sent back to your respective planets. While there, your assistant will guide you through the remaining procedures and your journey to Gaia. May you have a great future."

With those words, the voice, along with the keys and the large sphere of light in the center, vanished. Before the people could react, they were once again surrounded by a cascade of lights, enveloping them in a teleportation sequence.

As the lights dissipated, each Progenitor found themselves back in their respective worlds, their minds buzzing with possibilities and their hearts filled with anticipation for the journey that lay ahead. The path to Gaia awaited, and with it, a destiny intertwined with the fate of humanity and the cosmos itself..