
74. Lady Jevera Levaton

Mauve froze on the last step and stared without modesty. The vampire's pale skin stood out in the dim light. She was dressed in pants and a buttoned shirt. A brown coat rested on her shoulders and her black boots almost completely disappeared in the dark. 

Behind her were two guards who walked through the doors with her but it was pretty obvious who was in charge. They had held the doors open as she walked in and were now closing them.

Mauve couldn't really see her face from the stairs as the distance between the entrance and the stairs was a bit much but she couldn't stop staring. She was enthralled.

She had a stern expression and her gray eyes shone in the dark. Her wind-blown hair didn't make her look less pretty instead it made her look fierce. 

The red hair was all over the place and Mauve knew she couldn't paint a better picture. She stood tall and proud and Mauve was instantly envious of her confidence.