
739. Overheated

When Mill returned, Mauve was on her feet in the corner of the room. The servant had fixed the string she broke. They must have done it while she was asleep, as it was still cut when she returned to the room. How had she not woken up during all that?

"Just place it on the bed," Mauve said without looking at Mill. Mill nodded, placed the tray on the bed, and walked over to Mauve to guide her to sit.

"You know I can walk, right?" Mauve asked though she didn't stop Mill from assisting her.

"I know," Mill smiled. "I sent someone to call the Primus. He should be here soon."

"I don't want to see him," Mauve stated as she sat down.

Mill didn't reply to this; instead, she asked, "Would you like my help while eating?"

"No," Mauve replied, picking up the bowl of soup. She was annoyed but she couldn't exactly blame Mill. She had overslept all by herself. "Is it just me, or is it really hot tonight?"