
719. Better Tasting Brews

Mauve accepted the drink Kieran offered her. She scrunched up her nose. There was really no end to the nasty drinks she would have to take. She closed her eyes and gulped it all down. It was bitter, of course—she had expected nothing less, but it still caught her off guard.

She returned the cup, and Mill accepted it. Mauve still scrunched her face. "Don't you make better-tasting brews, Lord Kieran?"

"I'd rather not make brews at all," he stated, and Mauve sealed whatever complaints she had. "If you don't feel any better before the night is over, let me know. You'll still have to drink that two more times. I'll get them ready after each meal for you."

Mauve nodded, and Kieran excused himself, leaving Mill behind. "Would you like to remain in bed? I can bring your meal to you."

"No," Mauve stated immediately. "Help me get ready."

Jael shot her a glare. "No, you don't."