
714. Some Kind of Party

Mauve opened her eyes to see Mill looking at her with a huge smile on her face. "We have to get you ready," she stated.

Mauve immediately realized why she said "we", because not only was Mill not alone, but the other person with her was none other than Sabrina. Mauve sat upright and rubbed her eyes, wondering if this was another weird dream of hers, but the scene didn't change after rubbing her eyes for the third time.

"What are you two ladies doing here?" That wasn't the right question. The only person who wasn't supposed to be here was Sabrina, but Mauve was still too drowsy to ask the proper questions.

"Enough questions, out of the bed now." Sabrina giggled and pulled the sheets away.

Mauve could barely follow what was going on, but it was clearly easier to go with what the ladies wanted than argue and try to figure out what was going on. Grudgingly, she got out of bed, and Mill quickly led her to her room.