
69. Vampire Lords

Mauve slipped out of bed and walked to the tub with the help of Mill. She was still very tired, she felt like she had been run over by a carriage. She put her hands over her mouth as she yawned. 

She sat in the tub and sighed out loud as the water warmed her up and soothed how sore she felt downstairs. Mill quickly washed her up and scrubbed her clean.

Mauve sat on the bed with a towel tied around her chest as she watched Mill rummage through the wardrobe for something for her to wear. The top half of her frame was all the way into the wardrobe and Mauve wondered how she could see with such little light.

Mill pulled out a dress and held it up. "What do you think?"

Mauve winced at the color. It was the color of sunflowers. "Too bright. I will look like a lost sunflower."

"It will bring out your cheeks." Mill grinned and shook the dress.