
685. Can’t Remain In Shell

Lady Marceline and her mate, Lord Alaric, could not join them for the first meal, as Lord Alaric was a little tired from the travels, and Lady Marceline didn't want to leave him all alone. They had their first meal in the confines of their room.

The Levatons were still around and mostly kept to themselves. Mauve never ran into any of them aside from during mealtimes. Unfortunately, the issues could not be avoided forever, especially with more lords coming to the castle. She would have to face them at some point.

Some would arrive today; there was no doubt about that, and the closer it got to the date, the more lords there would be within the castle walls. Mauve took a deep breath. It was annoying that Danag's words rang in her head, and she turned just to see him turn away from her.