
642. Ambush

Mauve watched Jean push the door open. He moved in quickly and she walked in after him, shutting the door behind her. They were plunged into darkness before her eyes picked up the candlelight on the table, with Mill sitting on the bench with her arms underneath her head.

She slowly raised her head and smiled softly at Mauve, "Welcome back."

"You shouldn't have waited," Mauve cried and rushed to her side.

Mill stood up, yawning a little. "It wasn't so bad. I think I dozed off a little."

"You should have been sleeping in your room," Mauve said with a stern expression.

"And that's what I would do as soon as I get you to your room. It wasn't that bad. You don't have to worry."

Mauve took a deep breath and nodded. "If you say so, but we have to do this for at least another day. I wouldn't want you sitting out here waiting for us the whole time."