
639. Grilled Steak

Mauve opened her eyes to see she was wrapped in an unmoving blanket. Thankfully, there was enough space for her to breathe. She tried to pull back, but Jael held her in a deadlock.

"Not yet," he mumbled and tightened his arms around her some more.

"Jael," she giggled. "We are going to miss the first meal at this rate."

"No, we won't, since we would be having it right here."

Mauve pulled her head back to look up at him. Not that it made much difference; she still couldn't see his face. "No, we are not," she mumbled.

"We both need rest. I'd rather spend it with you," he said.

Mauve scrunched her face as she tried to come up with a good enough reason why this wasn't a good idea, but she knew Jael would counter everything. She didn't feel as tired as she did before she slept, and now that she knew he was alright, she couldn't be happier.