
574. What She Feared

Mauve woke with a smile on her face. She had slept better than she thought she would. Her head still hurt and her temperature wasn't getting any better but her heart was full.

She knew it had something to do with the conversation she had with Jael. She didn't know what it meant but if she had to interpret in her own words, Jael practically told her he wasn't going to get a mate.

The first thing she saw was Jael looking down at her. His worried face quickly changed to a blank one.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked.

"I think so," she mumbled and brought her hand to her eyes, rubbing it.

"Good, it took you so long to fall asleep last night," he whispered. "I am glad you could get some sleep." He gently caressed her head.

She remembered this even though she had rambled constantly, not once had he been irritated by this. Mauve couldn't even recall how she had fallen asleep.