
548. End of the Party

Mauve watched Jael walk up the podium with a slight raise of his brows. He stopped in front of her and stared intensely.

"Welcome back," Louis said. "I simply said to go interact with a few Lords but you ended up having more fun at the party than the rest of us. I never would have believed you could dance."

"You know I can dance," Jael accused, his gaze never left Mauve as he spoke.

"Maybe but I assume it was knowledge you'd never have to use," Louis replied. "Well at least not in this manner."

"It was my pleasure to disappoint."

"Well, I hope it was worth it," Louis smirked.

Jael shot a look at Louis, not missing the vampire's insinuation, and then looked back to Mauve.

"Mauve," Jael called.

Mauve tried to smile but faltered. She tried again. "You're a really good dancer."

"Thank you," he replied, his eyes watching her closely. They roamed her face as though he was looking for something.