
531. Steal Her

Mauve leaned into him as she expressed her gratitude and he held onto her. "How did you get her away?" She asked, curious about the details.

She hadn't asked before because Jael hadn't seemed like he wanted to tell her anything about his plans.

Now that it was over, she wanted to know the details as she was sure Seraphino had not let Vae go willingly, she just wanted to be sure Jael didn't lose too much in the process.

"I ask Louis to steal her," he replied, locking eyes with her.

Mauve's brows furrowed. "What do you mean to steal her?" She asked.

"Exactly what that entails," he replied with a smirk.

Mauve's eyes widened and she instinctively looked around, "Can you do that?" She asked and leaned closer, wondering why she dropped the volume of her voice.

"It's already done," he replied.