
53. In His Arms

Jael pulled his hand away, the look on her face was priceless. She had been shocked and then a little embarrassed but he could tell she did not completely hate it. "Go to sleep," 

he said and closed his eyes. "You won't even remember I was here by sunset."

"Are you insinuating that I have a bad memory?" Mauve asked.

Jael opened his eyes, she still had not moved from the spot she was in when she realized he wanted to join her. She still had the sheets to her chest and the slight smell of fear leaked out of her.

"Go to sleep, Mauve."

She jerked as he called her name. "I can't exactly sleep with a stranger in my bed."

"Stranger?!" Jael frowned, for some reason, this pissed him off.

Jael closed the gap between them in a millisecond. He planted a loud kiss on her lips and pulled back. She blinked, her startled look was more appealing to him than he could have imagined. It didn't help that she had her hair in pigtails.