
47. Drunk

Mauve looked around the dining hall. She could not believe she was back here. She had woken up with a bad taste in her mouth even seeing Damon's ripped guts had not affected her as much as watching Erick slice his guts. She never wanted to experience anything like that again. She still couldn't comprehend how he could easily slash himself.

She shook her head and tried to concentrate on the meal in front of her but her stomach churned. Mauve forced herself to swallow, it was bad enough that she had fainted in front of everyone when it happened, but she could not show that it affected her appetite.

She turned to find Jael staring at her with an expression she couldn't read. She quickly broke eye contact and returned her gaze to the plate in front of her. At that moment a cup was placed in front of her and a servant poured a red liquid into it.