
428. Happy To Be Back

"Mill," she cried as she rushed to the door. She stopped herself just before she bumped into Mill. She wanted to run in for a hug but she wasn't too sure about that.

"Mauve," Mill grinned at her.

She moved the light out of her face and spread out her arms. Mauve didn't hesitate. She jumped into the vampire's arms hugging her tightly while Mill rubbed her back with one hand as her other hand held the light.

"Welcome back, Mauve," Mill said.

Mauve nodded and just hung onto Mill. She could feel the water in her eyes and she knew she would need some control to stop the tears from falling.

"How was your journey to and fro?" Mill asked.

Mauve nodded again, her voice was clogged. It was especially hard to speak.

Mill rubbed her back and let her take her time. Mauve held on tightly. There was no reason to be on the verge of tears but she was.