
409. I Like You

Mauve blinked as she looked at him with disbelief. This was the most unexpected thing ever. How did asking her to leave mean he wanted her to stay?

"Let me get this straight, you wanted me to stay so you told me if I left I shouldn't return?" She asked, peering at him.

Jael tore his gaze away from her, looking out the window once again. "That explains it."

"No, it doesn't. It sounded more like you needed a reason to get me to leave and that was the perfect solution."

"No, I thought if you heard that, you wouldn't want to leave me," he replied, briefly looking at her before he looked away again.

"Why didn't you want me to leave? I can't seem to see why that was a problem. I just wanted to go home as the King requested. I was going to come back, it didn't seem to make sense to me why you didn't want that."