
376. Not Engaged

"Princess," Maria called as she combed her hair.

"Hmm," Mauve replied absentmindedly.

She had her gaze on the reflection as she stared at what the maid was doing. She didn't really want her hair tied up or anything, so they had just opted to let her down.

"As to your request, I have gotten some answers."

Mauve snapped out of the trance immediately, "About Vae?" She asked, turning around to look at Maria.

"Yes," the servant said, but her face said she didn't have good news. "I am afraid I don't have anything useful. After she left to take care of her mother, no one has heard from her since."

"I see," Mauve said and turned away from the maid to her original position.

She looked at the mirror, and her disappointed expression stared back at her, accompanied by worry and a bit of fear.

"Not even where her house is?" Mauve asked after thinking about the information for a couple of minutes.