
329. Damage Control

Mauve watched Jael go with a stunned expression on her face and didn't stop looking until the door closed behind him.

She turned her gaze away from the door to see Mill looking at her pity in her eyes. She didn't acknowledge it, there was no need for Mill to look at her like that.

She ate quickly, trying to finish up what was left on her plate, completely zoning out everything else.

"Would you like to leave now?" Mill asked as Mauve wiped her lips.

"Yeah," she mumbled and stood to her feet before the vampire could stretch out her hand to help her. She headed for the door in haste.

They get to the door of her room and even though Mill was the only leading she looked hesitant about stopping in front of Mauve's door.

"My room," she called out just as Mill was about to pass it. The vampire stopped abruptly and pushed the door open.