
278. Obstacles

Jael got to the front of the castle just as the sun poked out of the horizon even though the sun wasn't fully out yet, Jael felt it prick his skin and his mind instinctively screamed that he should hide.

The sun wasn't even over him and he could already feel the heat biting into his skin. It annoyed him how much of an effect the sun had on him. 

He would sustain more significant damage if he stayed as long as any other vampire in the sun. He was glad they made it in time, sunburn was nasty to heal from.

"We made it," he heard Danag say as the front doors were thrown open.

"Hmm," Jael grunted but wasted no time rushing up the stairs and through the front doors.

The guards quickly closed the door behind him. Everyone was pretty much aware of how susceptible he was to the slightest sunlight and took imperative care to make sure that nothing was out of place.

"Welcome back, Sire." The guards greeted.