
208. Bad Shape

"Mauve," Jael gently called and she opened her eyes to look at him.

He looked a little dazed and his eyes were half closed as he stared down at her face. She thought he looked less pale. Was it because he drank some of her blood?

She didn't feel any different though and she could tell he didn't drink nearly enough. Maybe she was reading too much into it.

"Yeah," she replied groggily, her tongue felt heavy.

"Are you okay?" He asked. 

He was lying on his side with his elbow on the bed. His head rested on the palm of his hand as he stared down at her.

"You know exactly how I feel," she replied and turned her head to the other side.

He brushed strands of hair off her face and said," I wouldn't say I know exactly how you feel but I am sure I can take a guess." He smirks at her.

"Please don't," she closed her eyes. Her body still felt heavy and she just wanted to go to sleep.