
180. Her Lust

"Saying you're not the most courageous doesn't make you less courageous. You almost died, you should take some credit for your willingness to dash out into the wild again despite the risk. Besides, I think it takes a lot of courage to leave your home to come all the way out here and stay with a bunch of vampires."

"Oh," Mauve said, a little shocked at Mill's reply. "Thank you." She looked away, the tips of her ears and neck were a little red.

Technically, she didn't have a choice at the time but she was not going to concentrate on that right now.

"Besides, don't pay any mind to my question. I'm sure there won't be a repeat of this." Mill said, looking at her intensely. "You're safe. This was merely an unfortunate accident. His grace won't let it happen again."

"Thank you, Mill." She nodded.