
126. Under The Sun (Bonus Chapter)

Jael leaned forward as he spoke, his gaze on Lord Levaton didn't sway. "Pray to tell me why you called me all the way here, I assume it must be quite important. Too important to not tell me immediately, Lord Levaton." 

"Always impatient," Lord Levaton said with a sly smile. "Indeed it is quite important, Sire, important enough to not discuss during a meal. I don't intend to ruin the mood and you've only just got here, it would be rude to discuss such matters before you've gotten a proper rest. I would be happy to tell you all about it tomorrow night."

"I don't see the need to wait that long," Jael said sternly.

"I do. You haven't been here in forever. I fear you will leave as soon as the discussion is over." 

"It's a little eerie to hear that you also want my presence here for my company," Jael said and moved his eyes from Lord Levaton to his food.