
The Vampire Chronicle

He was weak and injured, running away from a giant beast. The ophan had no idea where he was headed to and what kind of creature was after him.... A stunning unknown girl helped him take refuge in her house and soon turn out to be the biggest puzzle of his life... He was not ready to accept that this was the first and last time, he would meet this mystery girl. Soon he is converted into a powerful blood sucking beast and is no longer weak or helpless. But the boy yet had only one desire unfulfilled... He could not take away the girl from his mind, who had earlier saved him. Now he was no longer a feeble man, and he would do anything to find and achieve her....

Vampire_hunter · แฟนตาซี
53 Chs

You are a vampire...

In another few seconds, the sun was yet again shining bright and the girl's face looked much more calm and refreshing. "Yes, I am a witch and I think, you already believe me. But that is not all.... I am not the only one who is born this way... so are you...."

"Huh? You mean, I am also a witch!? But when I get angry clouds don't cover the sky. I mean.. if that would be the case the entire Hellwood would be covered with clouds most of the time." Marc shrugged his shoulders as if stating the obvious.

Lisa could not help but chuckle a bit at Marc's innocence. "No! I did not mean that. I mean you are a vampire, just like your parents."

"A .... vampire...?! You... you mean the fearful creatures in our books who are supposed to be the worst blood sucking creatures of all times." Marc felt a little offended by what Lisa said. He did not mind being called a vampire but he was mighty offended at his parenr's mention.