
Chapter 6: A Wary Service

Casey bustled through the house carrying a tray of steaming food. As she walked, the clock in the hallway chimed six in the morning.

Her black robes had been hemmed, or rather, she had cut the bottom four inches from it so she wouldn’t trip. She, unfortunately, had only figured to do that a few hours ago.

Her first day had been fairly difficult. She had woken up around noon and wandered the house for a few hours, but that meant she was dead tired now.

Lavinia had checked in on her periodically, giving her new tasks and reminding her that she would be expected to do all of this without her watchful eye. She had dusted, swept, cleaned a few things, and cooked Lavinia food. She hadn’t realized vampires ate food.

Finally reaching the dining room, Casey found Lavinia already seated. She was cleaning dirt from under her nails.

“In the future, you will have to inform me when dinner is prepared. I have made it easy for you today, Casey.”

Lavinia watched her place the three plates in front of her. It wasn’t anything special, just fried potatoes and a hunk of lamb that was in the kitchen.

Casey swallowed before placing the glass beside Lavinia’s food. Her mistress had to instruct her on how to prepare the decoction of blood and coconut water.

She stood awkwardly, clutching the tray to her chest. Lavinia looked at her.

“You don’t have to stand here the entire time.”

When Casey moved to sit at the table, Lavinia clicked her tongue. “No.” She flicked her hand to the side. “Stand over there. If you see a need, you may move.”

Casey scowled at Lavinia. “Of course, mistress.” She curtsied sarcastically and moved to the side of the room. She watched as Lavinia sipped from the glass of murky red liquid before taking a bite of potato.

There was a silence only disturbed by the scrape of Lavinia’s fork on the plate.

“Why do you eat?” It had slipped out before Casey could think better.

Lavinia turned to her, confusion written across her face as she chewed. “Pardon?” she swallowed.

When Casey couldn’t manage to speak, Lavinia spoke gently. “Don’t be shy. What did you say?” She took a sip of blood while watching the girl.

Casey didn’t meet her gaze. “Why do you eat?” Casey almost whispered it. “Do vampires need to eat?”

“No,” Lavinia’s response was velvety soft. There was no scorn or derision in the answer.

“Then why do you do it?” Casey’s face scrunched and she looked up at Lavinia.

“Because I like it.” She smiled and took another bite. For a cold creature, it was a warm smile.

Casey opened her mouth to ask another question when there was a knock at the door.

Lavinia, never breaking eye contact, gently nodded toward the door. “Go.”

Casey huffed but curtsied. “Yes, mistress.” She crossed the room and stepped into the hallway that had the large rust-colored stain. Further knocking came from the front door.

Opening it, she found a stout brown man with curling facial hair. He was draped in a coat, using it to shield him from the sun.

“Oh, hello, darling.” He smiled and it reminded Casey of a fox. “May I come in?”

“You may.” Casey stepped to the side to let him in. He hadn’t made it more than three steps inside the house when Lavinia’s voice echoed in the hall.

“Casey.” Lavinia came down the hallway but stopped short of the small rays of sunlight that fell on the floor. She had a grim expression.

“Ah! My lady! It is good to see you in such…”

The man looked at Casey and sneered, “delicious company.”

“Casey, come here.” There was a strained edge to Lavinia’s voice as she beckoned Casey out of the sunbeams. Casey gladly went to Lavinia, who touched her arm. “Go eat dinner in the kitchen. I have things to discuss with Master Ardashir.” She looked at the man.

“I will come to get you later, do not intrude.” She sniffed. “And take a bath after you eat. You smell awful.”

“Yes, mistress.”

Whatever was going on was…strange. Casey felt like she was about to be attacked by an animal. Or a monster.

“You may use the master bathroom to bathe, and you would do well to peruse what I have and use what you please.”

Lavinia gave her a gentle nudge in the direction of the kitchen, but she never let her gaze leave the man in the doorway. She had called him Master Ardashir.

“Yes, mistress.” She curtsied slightly then hurried off to eat. She turned back to see Lavinia talking in a low tone to the man. At one point she gestured to the floor where the stain on the rug was.

Later, after bathing and eating, Lavinia found her. Casey was wrapped in a robe she had found that was much too big for her and was perusing books in the library.

“You are not where I expected you to be.” Lavinia glided over to her.

Casey’s fingers tightened and relaxed on the book she was looking at. “I’m sorry, mistress.” She looked up at the taller woman almost pleadingly. “I was bored.”

Lavinia looked down at her.

“What have you chosen?” Lavinia’s gaze was half-lidded.

“Gormenghast.” Casey looked at the book. “Someone I know once told me to read it.”

“You should.” Casey looked up when Lavinia spoke.

“I found it macabre and wonderful.” Lavinia’s eyes crawled over Casey, who felt her face heat up as she was studied. The vampiress smiled.

“I give you permission to use the library at your leisure. We did not discuss that, but I realize now that you can not simply scuttle around the house until you collapse from exhaustion.”

“Thank you, mistress,” Casey squeaked before quickly walking to her room.


She stopped dead when Lavinia said her name.

“Yes, Ma’am?” she turned to see Lavinia looking at a shelf of books.

“Tomorrow night I expect a written note of your body measurements.” Lavinia looked at her. “For clothes.”