
Chapter 50: Love and Light

The wood is damp. The night is cold. And yet, the flames shoot up as high as the peak of the house as soon as Bernadette puts a torch to the kindling. The valley is bright with light, both yellow and flickering, and the still, cold light of the solstice moon.

Our cozy group doesn’t look like much. We’re not the strong and intimidating vampires that gathered to raid the lab. We wear puffy jackets, fluffy hats, and woolen mittens. My mom sits in an overstuffed chair, covered by a mountain of blankets, her eyes bright as she takes in the summoning flame.

Amun alone stands in darkness, apart from the ritual. As I glance back, away from the circle, I see fire glittering in his golden eyes. Our group raises a war cry, high and piercing in the winter air. The silence falls again.

Bernadette’s eyes fall on me and I know that this last task is mine. Feeling my bracelets tingle on my arm, I squeeze my mother’s hand and feel the rune band on her hand answer back with a warm thrum.