
Chapter 48: The Seventh

The house is bright with light and laughter. Candlelight reflects on the dark window panes as the wind blows through the valley. The party echoes late into the night, Amun playing bartender and my mom regaling the coven with stories of her escape attempts.

At three in the morning, the witching hour, our guests become more serious.

“We thought it was right that your first circle,” Bernadette nods at my mother and at me. “Was a circle that will celebrate our power and feed our spirit. It’s right to welcome the crone and the maiden before calling them to do our bidding.”

Quiet for the first time in hours, we clear the living room and make room for all of us to form a circle. Before we gather, Amun bows to us and slips out the back door wordlessly, leaving us to our ritual. We stand together, all except my mother who sits in a tall velvet chair and holds hands with Bernadette and me.