
Chapter 37: Book Club

The bird clock ticks louder with Amun gone. The creaks and thumps of the neighbor's feet make me jump in the dim apartment. The place seemed so cozy with him here but now the blacked-out window of the bedroom and the stranger’s furniture simply seems run down.

There’s no place to go. The last time I left this place alone, it ended in a haunting violence that turns my stomach just to think of it. To pass the time, I practice telekinesis, a nice, harmless form of magic that won’t rally any demons that might be harbored in my mind.

For an hour, I’m occupied with moving dishes from the cabinet to the dining area, setting the table with nothing but my mind. After the last clean mug in the house slams against the wall, shattering with a clatter that makes the neighbor bang on the wall, I decide my shaky telekinesis abilities are better suited to a bare volcanic field than a small New York apartment.