
Chapter 29: People Watching

The New York skyline shines bright outside the arched bedroom windows of the penthouse suite. A year ago, I would’ve felt utterly alien in these surroundings. Since meeting Mossie, my life has turned upside down and I’ve gotten a little too used to the finer things in life.

And yet, a year ago my life wasn’t regularly in mortal danger and I didn’t have the weight of generations of oppression by a blood-sucking regime on my back. I was a blissfully unaware art student drop-out looking for her next step.

In the dark glass of the window, my face comes into focus. My hair is pulled into a high, tight, top knot. My face looks like a stranger’s, with cheekbones and nose elongated and my eyes darkened by an expert makeup artist’s hand. A restless sigh escapes my lips.

I shake my head. I was never blissfully unaware. Even when I was attending lectures and learning printmaking, I knew that something was off.