
Chapter 28: Power and Sacrifice

Knowing that Mossie is healing, down in the deep, Amun and I fall into a comfortable routine. In the evening, we walk around the manor, letting the wind batter our faces and listening to the waves crash on the rocks below. The weather of The Rock never fails to chill me to the bone.

After our walk, we return to the little room with the wood stove to read and warm our bones. I would like to entwine my legs with Amun’s, sit back and cuddle like a normal couple. But our past time, as cozy as it might feel, is far from normal.

The grimoire written by my ancestral sister calls to me every night. Reading each piece feels like downloading information into my brain. Like a download, I’m not always sure where in my brain it’s gone, but I know it’s in there somewhere, waiting to activate when I need it.