
The Useless 8th Prince

Reincarnated as a Prince in the Black Sun Empire, Azazel Dawnbringer lives his life at ease and comfort. He didn't care about the throne or anything and instead lived so freely. Eventually he was dubbed the 'Useless Prince'. On his 15th birthday, Azel is considered an adult. The emperor who was fed up with his behavior finally sent the young man to govern a region on the southern border. The problem is, the area is known to be so dangerous. Expectations do not match reality. Wanting to live casually, Azel instead has to face many problems. This is a story about how Azazel Dawnbringer leads, organizes, and builds a territory so he can live in safety and peace.

DemonicPrince · แฟนตาซี
34 Chs

Reasons to live

"What is this!"

In a luxurious carriage, a handsome young man was seen angry. The young man had ink-black hair, distinctive irises with purple on the left and gold on the right. His skin was pale white, but that wasn't what made him different.

There were two black horns pointing forward on the young man's head!

The horn looked beautiful as if it was made of black crystal. But inside the train, he wasn't the only one who looked different. Near the young man, there was a beautiful girl with pale white skin. Her hair was silver and her irises were red like rubies. Her ears were also pointed, different from normal human ears.

"Please calm down, Master!" said the girl politely.

"How can I calm down? This time they've gone too far!"

The young man looked displeased. Taking a deep breath, he tried to calm himself down. In just a few breaths, his expression calmed down again.

'At least now I have more freedom.'

The young man thinks of the positive side of what happened to him. The identity of that young man was very special. His name is Azazel Dawnbringer, the eighth prince of the Black Sun Empire. In addition, he also has another identity. Azazel Dawnbringer or the young man who is often called Azel... a reincarnator!

What were a reincarnators usually thinking? Become the strongest? get true love? Thrilling adventure? Azel is not that kind of person!

Born as the prince of a large empire in the demon continent, many things were obtained by Azel. But he is not too obsessed with power. Being able to live comfortably, safely, and relaxed is his goal in life. The bottom line... he wants to be a successful unemployed!

In his fifteen years of life, he carried the title of 'Useless Prince'. When his brothers and sisters goes to war, while the young were studying and train hard, Azel does something else. Splurge, have fun, and sleep. He was just excessive!

'I just want to live quietly and peacefully. What's wrong with that?'

His words made the Emperor angry. Never before in the history of the Black Sun Empire had there been such a prince. The fifth prince, although not talented, he tried his best and worked harder than the other brothers and sisters. As for the eighth Prince, he really gave the Emperor a headache.

Not only the Emperor, even the third Empress, Azel's Mother was completely distraught. The beautiful woman cried a lot because of her useless son. she tried various ways to convince her son, but to no avail. The eighth Prince's extraordinary way of life was truly unstoppable.

On his 15th birthday, the Emperor finally decided to give his son a territory to manage. In other words, the Emperor kicked Azel out of the Imperial Palace. Since fifteen years of age was considered an adult, that was reason enough to do so.

Of course, the territory given to Azel is a very large area and relatively safe. Even though he 'thrown' Azel away, the Emperor still loved him very much. Only, he didn't want to see his son an eyesore and give him a headache. If his son wanted to laze himself to death, he at least didn't need to see him every day!

"Tch! At least the place is safe and comfortable" Azel muttered while closing his eyes.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable, sir? Can I help you?"

"No need."

Azel opened his eyes and turned to the girl sitting next to him. The beautiful girl was a slave bought by him on his tenth birthday. Her name is Camellia, the girl is a Dhampir.

Dhampir is considered a half Vampire. Vampires themselves held a high rank among the demon clan. On the other hand, Dhampirs are considered filthy creatures that are disliked by demons. The reason is simple, because they are half human.

In the demon race, purity is highly respected, especially for nobles. Half-breeds are highly discouraged. Let alone the demon continent, the human continent is the same. They are barely acceptable.

fortunately, Azel was a reincarnator and didn't care about that kind of thing. At first many people were disgruntled that a prince chose a Dhampir as a slave. But alas, they also knew that there was something wrong with the 8th Prince's head.

Not only outsiders, Azel's brothers also had time to rebuke the young man. For the faces of the princes, they suggested Azel to choose a Dark Elf, Demon, or Succubus as slaves. But Azel strongly refused for some reason. In the end, they could only remain silent.

"How long before we reach our destination, Camellia?"

"We'll be there in about two days, Sir."

"In the end it took us about eight days for the journey. This was already using the fastest route." Azel took a deep breath.

Looking out the side window, Azel was slightly surprised by the surrounding scenery. He immediately opened the small window at the front of the carriage and said to the coachman.

"Coachman, why are we heading south? Isn't this the wrong route?"

"My apologies, Prince. This servant is only completing an errand. By the way... we should arrive at Black Lily City in three or four days." The coachman said with a polite expression.

"Black Lily City? Isn't it close to the southern border?" Azel Muttered with a serious expression.

"Isn't that the territory that you will immediately possess, Prince?"

Seeing the confused coachman, Azel realized something. He immediately turned to Camellia.

"Search for the documents regarding the transfer of power and ownership of the territory left to me by my father."

"Yes sir!"

After a while, Camellia handed over a parchment made from the skin of a Demonic Beast. Opening the parchment, Azel's eyes narrowed. It's written beautifully on everything about territory and such. But the territory he belonged to is different from before.

Seeing the parchment, an ugly smile appeared on Azel's face. With Black Lily City as its center, he owned a vast territory in the very south of the Black Sun Empire. The reason the young man smiled wasn't because the region had become impoverished or something, quite the opposite. That region is very fertile and rich!

As the border of the southern region of the Black Sun Empire, it was extremely fertile, not even bordering other kingdoms or empires. The reason was simple, that place was close to two rich regions, Blackwood Forest and Black Cloud Mountains. According to the books he read, south of the Black Cloud Mountains was a vast ocean.

Indeed, both places were extremely rich and possessed various rare herbs and minerals. It's just that it's a very dangerous place. From the territory's monthly income, in the Black Sun Empire, other than the Royal Capital there was almost nothing that could rival Azel's territory candidate. However, that region was famous for being close to two dangerous places as well as unruly people.

"Good! Very good! Those people are now trying to get rid of me."

Azel's expression turned cold. What he meant by 'those people' were of course the two stepmothers as well as the other prince's. Not wanting him to interfere in the struggle for the throne, they actually sent him to a dangerous region to bury him there. The young man's eyes flashed a cold glint.

I, Azazel Dawnbringer... accept this challenge!

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