
The Unyielding Queen

The story is set in the kingdom of Maheswara, where Queen Aruna, a werewolf, rules alongside her warrior partner Karna. Despite her hidden identity, Aruna is known for her beauty, intelligence, and love for her people. When Aruna and Karna unite, their love story inspires trust and unity among the kingdom's inhabitants. Together, they lead Maheswara to a prosperous era of peace and equality, forming alliances with neighboring lands and promoting inclusivity for all races, including the marginalized human-wolf tribe. Their rule is characterized by strength, compassion, and a deep connection to the wild spirit that binds them together, leaving a lasting legacy of love and unity in Maheswara.

Ekanoia · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs


The night sky was a canvas of velvet black, speckled with a million twinkling stars. A cool breeze rustled through the ancient oak trees that lined the winding path, their leaves whispering secrets to one another as they danced and swayed. It was a night fit for a king, and indeed, King Karna rode his trusted steed along the path, his golden armor gleaming in the faint moonlight. Accompanying him was his beloved Queen Aruna, her long, flowing hair bound in a regal braid that swung gently with each graceful step of her mare. Their journey had been long and arduous, for they had traveled far and wide to inspect their vast kingdom, ensuring that all was well and that their subjects were living in peace and prosperity.

Now, as they approached the towering stone structure that loomed ahead, King Karna could feel the weight of his responsibilities lifting from his shoulders. Their journey was at an end, and soon they would retire to their chambers, where they could finally rest and reconnect as husband and wife. The thought brought a smile to his lips, and he glanced over at his queen, her delicate features illuminated by the light of the torches that flickered along the walls. She was even more beautiful than he remembered, and he found himself growing more and more ardent as they drew closer to their destination.

As they entered the chamber, adorned with intricately carved statues and tapestries depicting the glory of their lineage, Queen Aruna turned to her husband, a mischievous glint in her eye. "My dear Karna," she purred, "after our long journey for inspection, don't you think it's time we inspected something else?" Her meaning was unmistakable, and a thrill ran through King Karna at the mere thought of making love to his wife. He dismounted from his horse and walked towards her, his eyes never leaving hers. "I believe," he replied, his voice low and husky, "that you are quite correct, my dear."

As they stood there, barely inches apart, the air between them crackled with desire. Queen Aruna reached up and slowly unfastened the clasp that held her braid in place, letting her hair tumble down around her shoulders in a cascade of dark, shining curls. King Karna reached out and ran his fingers through it, savoring the feel of its silken smoothness against his skin. Then, with a low growl, he scooped her up into his arms, crushing her against his chest as they fell together onto their bed of velvet and ermine. The passion that had been building within them finally erupted as they tore at each other's clothes, their bodies moving in a frenzy of need.

The queen's moans filled the chamber, echoing off the stone walls as King Karna claimed her mouth with his, his tongue dueling with hers in a dance of desire. He pulled back for just a moment, looking down at her, his eyes dark and hungry. "My love," he rasped, "I've missed you so much." His words sent a shiver down her spine, and she arched her back, offering herself to him. He grasped her hips and guided her down onto him, feeling her wetness envelop him as they became one.

Their lovemaking was fierce and unrestrained, a symphony of flesh against flesh, breath against breath. Queen Aruna threw her head back, her long hair streaming behind her like a banner, as she found her release in his embrace. King Karna followed soon after, his body tense and trembling as he let go of control and gave himself over to the ecstasy of their union. As they lay there panting, spent, and satiated, they could feel the last vestiges of their long journey falling away, replaced by the warm glow of their renewed connection as husband and wife.

At last, as their hearts slowed and their breathing returned to normal, they turned to each other, smiling wearily. "I love you, Aruna," King Karna whispered, cupping her face in his hands. "Always." She smiled up at him, tenderly brushing a strand of hair from his forehead. "And I you, my dearest Karna. Always." They lay together like that for a long moment, savoring the closeness they shared, before drifting off to sleep, secure in the knowledge that no matter what challenges the coming days might bring, they would face them together.

As the morning light streamed through the chamber's tall windows, Queen Aruna awoke with a start, a strange sense of unease washing over her. Something was...off. She glanced over at her husband, who lay sleeping peacefully beside her, but still, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. Perhaps it was the lingering exhaustion from their journey, or the memories of the hardships they had faced along the way. Whatever it was, she knew she needed to speak with him about it.

Quietly, she slipped from the bed and began to dress, her movements careful and measured. When she was finally clothed, she turned to face Karna once more. "My love," she said softly, "I need to speak with you." He stirred in his sleep, but didn't wake. "Karna," she said more firmly, gently shaking his shoulder. "Karna, wake up." He groaned, rolled over, and blinked up at her. "What is it, my queen?"

"There's something I need to talk to you about," she said, taking a deep breath. "Something that's been bothering me since we woke up." He sat up, regarding her with concern. "What is it?" he asked, his voice gentle. "You're worried about our kingdom, aren't you?" She nodded. "It's not that," she said. "It's...us."

King Karna frowned, confusion clouding his features. "What about us?" he asked. "We're stronger than ever, and we've never been closer." She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she was about to say. "I'm worried that we've grown...complacent," she said. "We've been together so long, and we've faced so much together, that sometimes...I feel like we've forgotten who we are apart from each other. Like we've forgotten to be our own people."

He considered her words for a long moment before responding. "You're right," he said eventually. "I hadn't thought of it that way. But what can we do about it?" She smiled reassuringly. "We can start by taking some time for ourselves," she said. "Maybe we should consider separate quarters for a while, so we can have our own space. And maybe we should each spend some time with our closest advisors, so we can hear different perspectives."

King Karna nodded slowly. "You're right," he said. "It's been a long time since we've really spent any time apart." He took her hand in his, squeezing it gently. "I'll speak with you later today about this," he said. "But for now...let's just enjoy this time together. We've earned it."

She smiled, feeling a weight lift from her shoulders. "All right," she said. "Thank you, my love. I know we'll figure this out together." And with that, they leaned in and kissed, their love for one another as strong as ever.