
The Unyielding Queen

The story is set in the kingdom of Maheswara, where Queen Aruna, a werewolf, rules alongside her warrior partner Karna. Despite her hidden identity, Aruna is known for her beauty, intelligence, and love for her people. When Aruna and Karna unite, their love story inspires trust and unity among the kingdom's inhabitants. Together, they lead Maheswara to a prosperous era of peace and equality, forming alliances with neighboring lands and promoting inclusivity for all races, including the marginalized human-wolf tribe. Their rule is characterized by strength, compassion, and a deep connection to the wild spirit that binds them together, leaving a lasting legacy of love and unity in Maheswara.

Ekanoia · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs


In the enchanted forests of Maheswara sat the legendary werewolf queen Aruna on her throne, her golden eyes shining with power and wisdom.

His subjects whispered stories of his unparalleled strength and beauty, for he ruled with a fierce but just hand. As the moon shed its silver glow on the forest floor, a young warrior named Karna stumbled into her courtyard, his sword stained with the blood of his enemies.

He traveled far from his homeland seeking help in his quest to defeat the tyrannical ruler who had exiled him. His dark eyes met Aruna and he knelt before her, his heart filled with both fear and admiration. Aruna studied Karna for a moment, noticing his bravery and honor. He didn't expect to see a mortal in his court today, let alone such a swordsman. Curiosity and a hint of intrigue flashed in her golden eyes as she turned to him.

"What brings you to my court, Karna," she asked in her soft but commanding voice. Karna swallowed hard, knuckles white as he gripped the sword so tightly.

"I am asking for your help my queen," he replied in a strained voice.

"I have traveled far to find someone who will help me defeat the tyrant who took my home and family. Aruna brow furrows in thought.

Although She did not trust mortals, there was something about Karna that made her feel that he was different from other men. Perhaps it was his determination and unwavering will to see justice done. Or maybe it was something more… ethereal. Whatever it was, she found herself drawn to him.

"Okay Karna," She finally said.

"I will give you an audience. But know this: I am not deceived. If you fail to defeat me in battle, you will leave my court empty-handed." Karna nodded, jaw clenched.

"I understand, my queen," he replied in a flat voice.

"I will not let you." As the words left his lips, a look of determination flashed across his face and he prepared for the next battle.

Aruna rose from the throne in anticipation as his golden fur brushed. She walked around Karna, studying his every move, every breath.

The air around them crackled with energy as they circled each other, eyes locked in a deadly dance. The battle began with a clash of steel as Karna charged forward, his sword aiming for Aruna heart. But the werewolf queen dodged quickly, her skill no mortal could match.

He responded with a quick kick that knocked Karna to the ground. As Karna struggled to stand, Aruna seized the opportunity. With blinding speed, she slashed her claws at him, forcing him to defend himself. Their battle raged, each blow stronger than the last, their strength and skill in full.

As the battle progressed, Karna began to see beyond Aruna monstrous form to the woman below. He caught a glint of vulnerability in her eyes, a fear that she too might lose everything she loved. And in that moment, a bond was formed between them. They weren't that different after all.

They both fought for what they loved, what they believed in. The declaration changed the course of the battle. Instead of trying to win Aruna, Karna found himself trying to understand her, sympathize with her.

He was not moved by anger or hatred, but by compassion and a desire to protect her. And that change in perspective ultimately led to their victory. As they circled each other again, Karna saw an opening. He threw a punch catching Aruna attention before quickly moving behind her.

He grabbed her and gently put a hand on her shoulder. There was silence for a moment, as if time itself had stopped, before Aruna lowered her head, the weight of the world finally lifted from her shoulders.

"You fought for your people, Karna," She said quietly, his golden eyes meeting her. "You fought for what you believed in. And no one can take that away from you. His words seemed to wash over her, filling her with a sense of peace and purpose she hadn't felt in years." And you fought for your pack, Aruna, " he replied in a flat voice. "You fought for those who trusted you. And that is noble and brave. Together they stood in the middle of the field, guns holstered, bodies relaxed.

For a moment they were just two beings united by a common experience, a common humanity. As they stood there, Karna felt a connection between them, a connection that transcended their physical form and supernatural differences. It was a bond born of understanding, empathy and respect. And in that moment, he knew they would find a way to defeat the tyrant who threatened them both. "Thank you, Karna," Aruna finally said, her voice barely above a whisper. "When you showed me there was still good in this world. You reminded me there was hope." back at Karna, his golden eyes filled with gratitude and new purpose.

Karna bowed his head in acknowledgement, a small smile playing on his lips. He came to the werewolf queen's court for help, but instead he found something far more valuable: an ally, a friend. And with that realization, he once again felt determination and strength coursing through his veins.

The story is set in the kingdom of Maheswara, where Queen Aruna, a werewolf, rules alongside her warrior partner Karna. Despite her hidden identity, Aruna is known for her beauty, intelligence, and love for her people. When Aruna and Karna unite, their love story inspires trust and unity among the kingdom's inhabitants. Together, they lead Maheswara to a prosperous era of peace and equality, forming alliances with neighboring lands and promoting inclusivity for all races, including the marginalized human-wolf tribe.

Their rule is characterized by strength, compassion, and a deep connection to the wild spirit that binds them together, leaving a lasting legacy of love and unity in Maheswara.