
The Unyielding Bonds of the Kuramochis' (Volume 1)

Tsuyo is with his two brothers when his parents video call him to ask what they want from the grocery store. The parents see a disgusting creature, a sort of monster-like human, but it isn't human anymore... Tsuyo's parents tell him to take action quickly, and they will be home soon. Tsuyo will have to take action into his own hands and protect his brothers through this new, broken world.

NWAwalrus · แอคชั่น
2 Chs

The Unyielding Bonds Chapter 2

As the survivors fought back against the remaining creatures, the sound of their struggle intensified. The air vibrated with the crack of bats and the clang of metal against bone, while the grunts of the survivors and the snarls of the creatures created a chaotic, nerve-wracking melody. The sound of footsteps on the pavement, heavy breathing, and the impact of bodies hitting the ground painted a vivid picture of the desperate struggle unfolding before them.

With each resounding thud and sickening crunch, the survivors gained the upper hand, systematically dispatching the creatures that had once threatened to overrun them. Their determination and teamwork, fueled by Tsuyo's intervention, had shifted the tide of the battle, inching them closer to victory with each passing moment.

The once-overwhelming horde of creatures dwindled as the survivors fought back with a newfound ferocity. The sound of battle intensified, the symphony of their struggle reaching a crescendo as they fought to reclaim their lives from the nightmarish monsters.

Five creatures became four as Tsuyo charged in, his bat connecting with a creature's skull in a sickening crunch. The force of the impact sent the creature flying, its twisted body collapsing to the ground in a lifeless heap. Tsuyo's breath came in ragged gasps as he scanned the area, his eyes darting from one skirmish to the next, ready to aid wherever he was needed.

Meanwhile, another survivor, a burly man with a fire axe, swung his weapon with precision and ferocity, cleaving through the head of a creature. The sharp thwack of the axe meeting bone echoed through the air, followed by the monster's strangled cry as it crumpled to the ground. The man let out a triumphant roar, sweat pouring down his face as he prepared for the next attack.

Three creatures remained. Tsuyo and the young man he had helped earlier worked together to subdue one, the young man landing a solid kick to the creature's midsection while Tsuyo finished it off with a swift, brutal blow to the head. The sound of the metal bat connecting with flesh and bone was a gruesome harmony, the creature's strangled gasp of pain its final, fading note.

Only two creatures were left. One survivor, a middle-aged woman wielding a crowbar, managed to stun one of them with a well-aimed swing, the metallic clang of her weapon ringing out triumphantly. Another survivor, a tall man with a sledgehammer, took advantage of the opening and brought the hammer down on the creature's head, crushing it with a sickening crunch.

At last, only one creature remained. A young survivor lay on the ground, struggling beneath its weight as it snarled and snapped at him. But before the creature could sink its teeth into the terrified youth, two survivors charged in, grabbing the monster by its limbs and hurling it off the young man. The creature howled in surprise, its twisted body flailing as the two survivors closed in, their weapons raised.

Together, they struck the final creature, their combined efforts delivering the decisive blows. The sound of metal and wood meeting flesh and bone echoed through the air, a brutal cacophony that marked the end of the battle. As the last creature fell, the survivors stood victorious, their heavy breaths and pounding hearts the only sounds remaining in the aftermath of their hard-won fight.

As the adrenaline began to subside and the survivors caught their breath, Tsuyo, still panting from the exertion, stepped forward. He wiped the sweat from his brow and extended his hand to the nearest survivor.

"Hi, I'm Tsuyo," he said, his voice slightly hoarse from exhaustion. "Thanks for working together. We couldn't have done it without each other."

The survivors exchanged weary glances, a mix of relief and gratitude etched on their faces. One by one, they introduced themselves, shaking Tsuyo's hand and offering their own thanks.

The first to introduce themselves was the young man Tsuyo had fought alongside earlier. "I'm Kenta," he said, grinning amiably. Tsuyo noticed Kenta's friendly demeanor and youthful appearance. They seemed to be close in age, and Tsuyo couldn't help but feel a sense of unity with him.

Next came the young woman Tsuyo had helped off the ground during the battle. "I'm Aya," she said softly, her voice melodic and soothing. Aya was slender, with beautiful brunette hair that framed her delicate features. Tsuyo couldn't deny the attraction he felt, but he knew that now was not the time for such thoughts.

A burly man with a fire axe stepped forward and gave Tsuyo a firm handshake. "Name's Ryo. Thanks for the help back there." Despite his imposing size, Ryo had a warm smile and a friendly air about him.

A tall man with a sledgehammer was next. "I'm Daichi. You have my gratitude." He said as he fixed his glasses, his expression remained neutral, but his eyes conveyed a sense of appreciation.

A middle-aged woman with a crowbar approached Tsuyo with a grateful smile. "I'm Miki. Thank you so much for your help. We owe you our lives." Her sincerity was evident in her eyes, and Tsuyo could tell she was deeply thankful.

The last two survivors were a young man and a woman, both around Tsuyo's age. The young man introduced himself as Haruki, and the young woman as Sora. Both appeared exhausted but relieved, grateful to have survived the encounter.

With introductions complete, Tsuyo took a moment to observe the group. Despite their fatigue, a sense of brotherhood had quickly formed between them, forged in the heat of battle. Each survivor carried the weight of their harrowing experience, but they also carried the hope that they might yet survive this nightmare together.

Daichi's expression remained neutral, but a hint of suspicion lingered in his eyes as he asked Tsuyo about his background. "So, where did you come from, Tsuyo? How did you end up here?"

Tsuyo took a deep breath, ready to explain his situation to the group of survivors. "Well, I was at my house with my younger brothers when this whole thing started. We were setting up a solar generator on our roof, and I was on lookout duty. That's when I saw you guys running from those creatures. I couldn't just stand by and let you all get hurt, so I decided to help."

As Tsuyo spoke, his voice was filled with determination, and his eyes conveyed a sense of protective concern for both his brothers and the newly found group. Despite his sincerity, Daichi's expression remained somewhat guarded, taking in Tsuyo's story with a cautious demeanor.

Ryo, the burly man, sensed Tsuyo's genuine intentions and decided to trust him. He opened up to Tsuyo, introducing his family. "This is Miki, my wife," he said with a warm smile. "And these are our children: Daichi, our eldest son, Kenta, our second child, and Aya, our youngest."

He then gestured to Haruki and Sora, who were standing nearby. "And these two, Haruki and Sora, are close friends of our children."

Daichi's expression shifted to mild disappointment as he realized his father had just revealed so much about their family to a stranger. He shot Ryo a disapproving look, but Ryo simply countered, "Come on, Daichi. This man just saved our lives. The least we can do is be open with him. Besides, it won't hurt to share our story with someone who's clearly on our side."

Ryo's words seemed to hold some weight, but Daichi's expression remained slightly guarded, even as he acknowledged his father's point.

Tsuyo hesitated for a moment before speaking up. "You're welcome to stay with us for shelter, but I have to be honest—we're short on food ourselves, so I can't offer you much in that department, but I can offer some water." He paused, then added, "However, I'll need to check with my brothers, Kenji and Taro, if they're comfortable with this arrangement."

With that, Tsuyo led the group toward his house. As they walked, the survivors asked a few questions, trying to get a better sense of the situation and the area. Ryo, ever perceptive, took the opportunity to reassure his still-guarded son. "Daichi," he said, "Tsuyo is a good, honest young man. We need to stick together in times like these—humans should be on the same side."

Ryo then added, "And don't worry about the food. We all have some supplies packed in our backpacks. We can manage."

Daichi listened to his father's words, and although his guard remained up, it was clear that he was slowly but surely beginning to trust Tsuyo.

As they continued walking, the survivors began to ask Tsuyo some basic questions to better understand their situation and surroundings.

"So, Tsuyo," Haruki inquired, "how long have you and your brothers been holed up in your house?"

Aya chimed in, "Have you seen any other survivors around? Or is it mostly just those creatures?"

Miki, concerned for her family, asked, "How secure is your house? Have you had any issues with those creatures trying to get in?"

Sora, curious about the state of the world beyond their immediate surroundings, questioned, "Do you have any idea what's happening outside of this area? Has there been any news or updates on the situation?"

"Hey everyone, let's ease up a bit," Ryo interjected gently. "Give the guy a chance to catch his breath."

Tsuyo waved a hand dismissively, smiling reassuringly at the group. "It's okay Ryo, really. I understand that everyone wants to know as much as they can about our situation. Feel free to ask."

With a soft chuckle, Ryo closed his eyes and let out a gentle sigh. The warmth in his expression conveyed his admiration for Tsuyo's humility and understanding nature.

Tsuyo did his best to answer their questions, providing as much information as he could. He shared that they had been in their house for a few days, and that they had spotted a few other survivors, but not many. He assured Miki that their house was relatively secure, and they hadn't had any issues with the creatures so far. As for the wider situation, he admitted that they didn't know much, but they had heard some news reports before communication became scarce.

The survivors listened intently, absorbing the information and trying to make sense of their new reality.

Ryo, noticing Tsuyo's humility, commented, "You must have had a wonderful upbringing from incredible parents. But, I can't help but wonder why you said you need to check in with your brothers and not your parents about our staying with you."

Tsuyo suddenly stopped walking, causing the group to halt a moment later. His eyes unfocused as a wave of memories and emotions washed over him. Ryo, concerned, asked, "Hey, are you okay?"

Shaking off the momentary flood of emotions, Tsuyo placed a hand on his face and reassured the group, "I'm fine."

He then explained, "The reason I mentioned my brothers is that we don't know where our parents are. They were on their way back from the grocery store when they encountered those creatures. My brothers and I are trying to find them."

Ryo's expression softened, and he apologized, "I'm sorry for prying."

Tsuyo dismissed his apology with a small smile, "It's okay, you didn't know. Let's keep moving." With that, the group continued on their way to Tsuyo's house.

As they walked back, Aya cast a concerned glance at Tsuyo, trying to offer a bit of reassurance. In response, Tsuyo forced a smile, attempting to convey that he was okay despite the uncertainty surrounding his parents' situation. Aya, perceptive as she was, noticed the strain behind his smile but appreciated his effort to stay positive. She offered a small, understanding smile of her own, acknowledging the difficulty of the situation without any need for words.

They finally got to the house, where Taro and Kenji were climbing down the ladder, and Tsuyo politely told the group to wait while he discusses what to do with Kenji and Taro. Tsuyo tells Taro and Kenji about the situation. Kenji tells Tsuyo to ask the group if they were bit or scratched. Aya and Daichi say they both got scratched, but no one got bit. Tsuyo then tells them that they could patch them up. Tsuyo goes back to discussing with Taro and Kenji, Tsuyo tells them that they dont have to worry about food, but they might need water, and they all don't know what the group is going to do after.

Tsuyo finally led the group to his house, just as Taro and Kenji were climbing down the ladder. He politely asked the group to wait while he discussed the situation with his brothers. Tsuyo quickly filled them in on what had happened and introduced the group to them.

Kenji, always cautious, suggested that Tsuyo ask the group if anyone had been bitten or scratched by the creatures. Aya and Daichi admitted to having been scratched, but no one had been bitten. Tsuyo assured them that they could help patch up their wounds.

Returning to his conversation with Taro and Kenji, Tsuyo mentioned that the group had enough food but might need water. They also had to figure out what the group's plans were for the future.

While they were talking, Kenta looked up at the roof and exclaimed, "Dude, a solar generator? That's super smart! Where did you get one?"

Tsuyo replied, "I got it from Sunrise Mart, not too far from here. But I wouldn't try going back there—it's overrun with those creatures, and I barely made it out alive after grabbing that generator."

Ryo chuckled, clearly impressed by Tsuyo's bravery, and said, "Wow, kid, you went there all by yourself at night? Weren't you scared shitless?"

Tsuyo responded honestly, "Yeah, I was really scared, to be honest. But I had to do it for my family's survival."

A newfound admiration for Tsuyo washed over the group, and they felt that they could fully trust him, knowing he would go to great lengths to protect his family. His bravery and dedication resonated with them, and they understood that he was someone they could count on in this uncertain and dangerous world.

Kenta, curious about their choices, asked Tsuyo, "Why didn't you and your family try to get help from the military?"

Tsuyo explained, "Well, from what I've seen in movies and games, the military usually isn't the safest place to be in apocalyptic situations like this. I figured we'd have a better chance of survival by relying on ourselves and staying together as a family."

Tsuyo continued, "Plus, my parents promised us that they would return, no matter what. We can't leave the house because we're waiting for them to come back. I have to believe they'll keep their promise, so we're staying put for now. But if they don't show up sooner or later, I'll have to go out and search for them myself. I just want to make sure my brothers are as prepared as possible before I leave, in case something happens to me."

Kenji beckoned Tsuyo back for a quick private conversation. As the three brothers huddled together, Kenji and Taro both looked at Tsuyo with grins on their faces. Kenji leaned in and whispered, "Bro, that girl over there is perfect for you."

Tsuyo facepalmed, trying to suppress a smile, and replied in a half-joking, half-serious tone, "Kenji, not right now." The three of them couldn't help but share a quiet laugh together.

As the brothers shared their private moment, the group of survivors glanced at each other, looking a bit confused by the sudden laughter. Ryo, however, couldn't help but chuckle a little, seemingly understanding what the conversation was about. Having recognized Tsuyo's courage and his willingness to protect those he cared about, Ryo found himself quietly approving of the possibility of Tsuyo getting closer to his daughter Aya.

Daichi glanced at his father's face, trying to decipher the meaning behind his laughter. After a few seconds, the realization finally struck him. His guard was still up; Daichi didn't fully approve of the idea of Tsuyo and Aya being together. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of protectiveness towards his sister as the eldest son, even though he knew that Tsuyo had already proven himself to be courageous and selfless.

As Daichi carefully cleaned and dressed Aya's scratches, the room was quiet for a few seconds. Daichi finally broke the silence, saying, "Aya," to which she replied, "Huh?" He asked, "What do you think of Tsuyo?"

She paused before answering, "I'm grateful he saved us. I don't know if we would've made it without him." Daichi stayed quiet for a moment, prompting her further, "No, I mean, what do you really think of Tsuyo?"

"What do you mean?" She asked, a hint of confusion in her voice.

"You know what I mean," Daichi insisted, continuing to tend to her wounds. The room fell silent again for a few seconds as Aya considered her response.

"Well... I mean... he's incredibly brave, and..."

Daichi interrupted her, "No, no, what do you think of him, like, as a person?"

Aya hesitated before admitting, "I mean... he's definitely well-built and... kind of attractive, I guess..."

"I knew it," Daichi said, a hint of disapproval in his tone.

Aya quickly defended herself, "Daichi, I just met him. Relax. Our family doesn't even know what we're going to do next. And anyway, that's not really important right now."

As Aya started tending to Daichi's wounds, she asked him, "So, what do you think of Tsuyo?"

Daichi sighed, "I don't fully trust him, not yet."

Aya replied and started to get a little upset, "Why not? He saved us, and he let us into his house to patch up. He's been nothing but kind to us."

Daichi hesitated before continuing, "Okay, let's say Tsuyo had to choose between saving you or one of his brothers. Who do you think he would save?"

Aya looked away, "Well, he'd probably save his brother. That's his family."

"Exactly," Daichi said firmly, "That's why I don't want you getting too close to him. We can't fully trust anyone outside our family right now."

Aya felt the tension in the room rise, and she asked cautiously, "Why are you so dead set on talking about this?"

Daichi's voice softened, "I just want to protect you, Aya. Everyone outside our family is fending for themselves and their own. We have to stick together."

Aya sighed, trying to refocus the conversation. "Look, this isn't what we should be focusing on right now. We need to figure out our next steps, plan for what's ahead."

Daichi remained silent, understanding that she was right, and let the matter rest for the time being.

The scene shifted, and all the survivors gathered together in the living room, sitting in a loose circle. Their faces showed a mix of exhaustion and determination as they began discussing their next move. Taro and Kenji joined them, adding their input as they tried to figure out the best course of action in this new and uncertain world.

Tsuyo glanced at Sora and Haruki, curious about why they weren't with their families. Ryo noticed Tsuyo's gaze and spoke up, "Hey kid, I bet you're wondering why those two are with us." He gestured towards Sora and Haruki. "Since we need to trust each other, I'll tell you what happened with us."

"Our house was overrun by those creatures, and we were forced to flee. We've been on the run since then, not even sure how many hours it's been. It was by pure chance that Haruki and Sora ran into us. They both escaped from their homes, and we all just happened to cross paths as we fled together." Ryo explained, making sure to maintain the trust they were trying to build with Tsuyo.

Tsuyo nodded, understanding their situation. "I'm sorry to hear that," he said sympathetically. "No, it's okay," Haruki and Sora replied in unison, knowing that everyone had lost something.

Tsuyo decided to shift the subject and asked, "So, what is the group planning to do next?"

There was a moment of silence as everyone considered their options. Ryo suggested they find a safer location, somewhere fortified, where they could all stay together. However, Tsuyo hesitated, explaining that he couldn't leave the house as he was waiting for his parents to return.

Daichi, who still hadn't completely warmed up to Tsuyo, argued that they couldn't risk staying at Tsuyo's place, knowing that it might not be safe in the long run. "We need to find somewhere more secure, somewhere we can properly defend ourselves," he insisted.

Tsuyo, on the other hand, remained steadfast in his decision to stay put. "I understand your concerns, but I can't abandon my family's home. My parents could still return, and I need to be here when they do."

The tension in the room grew as it became clear that neither side was willing to budge. Ryo, sensing the rising conflict, tried to mediate the situation. "Let's take a step back and consider all our options. We don't need to make any decisions right now. We're all tired and on edge, and we need to approach this with clear minds."

Tsuyo rubbed his eyes, feeling the weight of exhaustion. "I think we should all get some sleep. We all need it," he insisted. "I haven't gotten any sleep since the start of the outbreak."

The group exchanged glances, realizing that they were all running on fumes. Ryo nodded in agreement. "You're right, Tsuyo. We could all use some rest. We can discuss our next steps tomorrow when we're more alert and better equipped to make decisions."

Tsuyo showed everyone where they could sleep for the night, making sure everyone was as comfortable as possible given the circumstances. As the group settled down, the tension from the earlier disagreement began to dissipate.

As everyone drifted off to sleep, they knew that the world had changed dramatically, and they would have to face the challenges ahead together. But for now, they would rest and gather their strength for the uncertain days to come.

As morning broke, the group members went about their tasks with a renewed sense of purpose. Some were busy preparing food from the supplies they had, while others focused on organizing their belongings and assessing what they had to work with.

Ryo approached Tsuyo, his curiosity piqued. "Hey Tsuyo, that solar generator you have is really impressive. Do you think we could find more of them at Sunrise Mart?"

Tsuyo nodded cautiously. "Yeah, they had a good stock of solar equipment when I was last there. But I have to warn you, the place is crawling with those creatures now."

Daichi chimed in, "Well, we have to do something. We can't just sit here and wait for things to get better or the unreliable military or shitty government to come save us. We have to protect ourselves and be self-sustainable. Maybe we can form a team to go and get more solar items. What do you guys think?"

Aya agreed, "I think it's worth considering. We could really use the extra power and grab as much food and water as we can, and if we work together, we might have a better chance of success."

Kenta, trying to be optimistic, added, "Plus, the more we have, the better we'll be able to stay connected and informed. Who knows what's going on out there?"

The group continued to discuss their options, taking into account each person's skills, knowledge, and experience. Miki interjected, "If we're going to do this, we need a solid plan in place. And we should have some backup plans, just in case things don't go as expected."

Haruki nodded. "Yeah, we should scout the area first and figure out the safest route to get there and back. And we'll need someone who's good at stealth and avoiding those creatures."

The atmosphere in the house was a mix of excitement and apprehension as the survivors contemplated the possibility of working together to improve their situation while also grappling with the dangers that lay ahead.

"I know the area, I think I should be the one to scout, I know a fairly safe route that'll get me to a safe place where I can survey the area without putting myself in harm's way," Tsuyo explained.

As the group continued discussing their plans, Tsuyo had an idea. "You know what? We could make makeshift shields to help protect ourselves from those creatures."

Daichi raised an eyebrow. "Shields? How would we make those?"

Tsuyo explained, "We could use some of the materials we have around the house or raid some sheds for supplies. For example, we could use thick wooden planks or metal sheets as the base and attach handles made from sturdy materials like pipes or wooden poles. We could reinforce the edges with duct tape or rope to make them sturdier."

Aya nodded thoughtfully. "That could work. We could also try to find other materials like old car doors or trash can lids to use as shields. Anything that's strong enough to withstand an attack from those creatures."

Miki agreed, "That's a great idea, Tsuyo. It's a simple and effective way to add an extra layer of protection for us."

Tsuyo shared his observation with the group. "I've noticed that these creatures tend to hyper-focus on the person they're attacking. So, if we have people with shields in the front to attract the monsters' attention, the rest of us in the back can eliminate them while they're distracted."

Ryo nodded in agreement. "That's a smart tactic, Tsuyo. It plays to our strengths and minimizes the risk for everyone involved."

Daichi chimed in, "Yeah, and it would also allow us to move more efficiently as a group. We can protect each other while making our way to Sunrise Mart."

Aya added, "We'll need to make sure we have a good balance of people in the front and back, though. We don't want to leave anyone vulnerable."

Kenji said, "True, but if we all work together, we should be able to handle any situation that comes our way."

Tsuyo looked at his brothers and firmly replied, "Oh no, Kenji, you and Taro are not coming. It's too dangerous, and I can't risk anything happening to you two."

"But Tsuyo," Kenji protested, "we're strong too, and we can help."

Tsuyo shook his head, "I know you're both strong, but I need you to stay here and protect the house.

"And what if the creatures come back? We never considered that people might try to break into our house once they see the solar generator on our roof. They might assume we have more valuable things and try to get in," Kenji pointed out.

Tsuyo furrowed his brow, thinking for a moment, and then replied, "You're right... well, I've got an idea. Our neighbors have a home security system. We could just borrow their cameras and set them up around our house. That should help keep an eye on things outside, and if you see anything, you can text me."

"Wait, guys, let's exchange phone numbers so we can stay in touch in case anything goes wrong," Aya suggested. "It might not be a reliable long-term solution, but it'll be helpful for the time being."

As the group continued to discuss their plans and strategies and exchanged numbers, they felt a sense of unity and determination. They knew the challenges ahead would be tough, but together, they felt more confident and prepared to face them.

Tsuyo began outlining the plan, making it sound more casual. "Alright guys, here's the plan. First, I'm gonna scout Sunrise to see if things have settled down over there. Maybe the creatures have dispersed since last time. Second, our neighbors have security cameras. A couple of people can try to grab those, and I'm not exactly sure what else you need to set up security cameras, but they probably have everything you need inside. So, whoever's going, I hate to say it, but you might have to break into their home."

Ryo chuckled, "Ha, kid, are you still worried about that? The world's gone to hell; it's okay to do things like that for your family's survival."

"You're right, but I can't shake that feeling. I even felt this way when I was in Sunrise, like I was stealing…." Tsuyo admitted.

Eager to move on, Kenta responded to Tsuyo's earlier statement, "Haruki and I can get the cameras. I think we both know enough about current tech to figure it out."

"Sounds good. And the rest of you are on shield duty. How does that sound?"

Everyone either nodded in agreement or verbally confirmed their approval.

"How will we decide who gets what, like with food and stuff?" Sora inquired.

"Don't worry, we'll sort that out once we actually get those things," Miki reassured.

As the group stepped outside and prepared to go their separate ways, Tsuyo took the initiative to leave first. Before he set off, he turned to the others with a serious expression. Walking backward, he called out, "Don't forget to message me if anything goes wrong, alright?" With that, Tsuyo continued on his way toward Sunrise Mart to scout the area.

Tsuyo gripped his metal baseball bat tightly. He began to retrace his steps, making his way back to the direction he had come from earlier from his first run to Sunrise. The cool wind whipped through his hair as he moved, only adding to the urgency of his mission.

Navigating across the rooftops was no easy task, but Tsuyo was determined to avoid the dangers lurking below. He carefully balanced on the edges of buildings, eyeing each jump and calculating the distance with a sharp focus. His muscles tensed as he leapt from one roof to the next, the strain evident in his every movement.

"Fucking hell, I didn't realize how scary this actually was, I was running off adrenaline so I guess I didn't notice…" Tsuyo muttered, his voice affected with fear.

The challenges of his chosen path didn't deter Tsuyo. Instead, they fueled his resolve to reach his destination more quickly. He could now feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins, pushing him to keep going despite the fear.

Each leap was a test of his physical strength and mental fortitude. As he landed on the next rooftop, he would pause for a moment, catching his breath and scanning the surroundings before continuing on. Tsuyo's determination was unwavering, his every action a testament to his commitment to the task at hand.

'Damn, those guys in the parkour videos make it look so easy,' Tsuyo thought to himself.


"I think a trash can lid will be a good fit for me – it's lightweight and pairs well with my sledgehammer," Daichi explained.

Abandoned cars and debris littered the once-bustling city, now transformed into an eerie, apocalyptic landscape. Ryo's fire axe gleamed in the faint sunlight while Daichi hefted his sledgehammer with ease. Abandoned cars and debris littered the once-bustling city, now transformed into an eerie, apocalyptic landscape. Ryo gripped his fire axe tightly while the others clutched their various makeshift weapons.

As they walked, Daichi broke the silence. "I think a trash can lid will be a good fit for me – it's lightweight and pairs well with my sledgehammer." He swung the hammer in a wide arc, imagining how it would feel with a shield in his other hand.

Sora furrowed her brow, swinging her tire iron absentmindedly. "That's a good idea," she said after a moment. She stopped to examine a street sign that had been knocked over in the chaos. "Maybe something like this would work for me. It's sturdy and has a good surface area for defense."

Aya glanced at her hammer and then at the others, her eyes betraying her concern. "I need something that won't weigh me down too much," she said softly. Her gaze landed on a pile of wooden planks nearby. "Maybe a smaller lid or a thick piece of wood like that would work."

Miki, with her crowbar in hand, chimed in. "I want something that's easy to maneuver and won't get in the way of my crowbar." She peered around, trying to spot something suitable. "Perhaps a metal street sign would work for me."

As they continued their search, the tension in the air was palpable. Their conversation had drawn the attention of several monstrous creatures lurking in the shadows. Suddenly, a snarl echoed through the empty streets, causing the friends to freeze in their tracks.

Ryo's grip on his fire axe tightened as he scanned the area. "We've got company," he hissed, his eyes narrowing in on the approaching threats.

The group formed a tight circle, their makeshift weapons at the ready. As the creatures closed in, snarling and snapping, the friends knew that this was their chance to test their teamwork and adaptability.


Kenta and Haruki cautiously approached the neighbor's house, their weapons in hand. Kenta gripped his bo staff, the wooden surface polished and smooth under his fingers, while Haruki held his club with a sense of determination. The sun had dipped below the horizon, leaving the neighborhood cloaked in an eerie twilight. Their footsteps made soft crunching sounds on the dew-laden grass, the silence around them almost oppressive.

"Man, it's so quiet," Kenta whispered, his voice barely audible. "Feels like we're being watched."

Haruki nodded, his eyes darting back and forth, scanning the area. "Yeah, it's creepy. Let's just get what we need and get out of here."

As they reached the front door, Kenta noticed that the once well-maintained garden was starting to show signs of neglect. A few stray weeds had begun to sprout, and the paint on the door was beginning to fade. They exchanged a glance before Kenta gently pushed the door open, the hinges creaking slightly.

The interior of the house was dimly lit but still relatively tidy, the chaos of the past few days not yet leaving a lasting mark. They carefully stepped inside, their senses heightened, alert for any potential danger.

"We need to find the security system components," Haruki reminded Kenta, his voice barely above a whisper. "Let's check the living room first."


As Tsuyo cautiously navigated his way across the rooftops, he felt his heart hammering in his chest and adrenaline surging through his body. With every leap, he couldn't shake the feeling that a single misstep could send him plunging to the ground below, right into the clutches of the terrifying creatures.

He observed his surroundings, noting the eerie silence that had fallen over the once-bustling city. Streets were littered with abandoned cars, broken glass, and debris from the chaos that had ensued. It was hard to believe that just a short time ago, life had been so normal.

He pressed on, carefully choosing his next steps as he tried to keep his mind on the task at hand. The thought of his friends and family depending on him fueled his determination. However, he couldn't help but wonder if their world would ever be the same again. With every leap, every careful step, Tsuyo couldn't help but feel the weight of the new reality bearing down on him.

As Tsuyo neared his desired vantage point to scout Sunrise, he walked cautiously and took note of the few remaining creatures below. He finally reached the prime spot and crouched down, peering over the edge to assess the situation.

His gaze fell on the ladder he had used earlier, now lying on its side on the ground. The sight of it stirred up memories of his harrowing escape, the moment when he had to leap from the ladder to the safety of the roof, narrowly avoiding being devoured by the creatures below. 'Fuck that.' His heart rate spiked as he recalled the terror of that desperate jump, and he couldn't help but shudder.

Shaking off the memory, Tsuyo focused on the task at hand, observing the area around Sunrise. He counted the number of creatures still lingering and tried to gauge if there were any other threats or obstacles to consider. His mind raced, attempting to formulate a plan and determine the best course of action. Tsuyo knew that every piece of information he gathered here could make a difference in ensuring the safety of his friends and family. The responsibility weighed heavily on his shoulders, but he was determined to do whatever it took to protect them.

Tsuyo pulled out his phone, his fingers tapping quickly to create a group chat with everyone. He composed a message, carefully choosing his words to convey the situation:

"Hey guys, I've reached the vantage point. It looks doable. There are a few creatures lingering around Sunrise, but we should be able to take them out without causing too much commotion."

He hit send and waited for their replies, hoping that the information he had gathered would help the group move forward with their plan. Meanwhile, he continued to keep an eye on the creatures, looking for any changes in their behavior or numbers.


Sora swung her tire iron with surprising speed, connecting with one creature's head and sending it tumbling to the ground. Daichi's sledgehammer followed suit, crushing another creature's skull with a sickening crunch. The others joined the fray, their individual skills complementing one another as they fought to protect themselves and their friends.

Their hearts raced, and adrenaline coursed through their veins, but they stood strong, holding their ground against the monstrous onslaught. As the last creature fell, the group took a moment to catch their breath and survey the aftermath.

It was then that they noticed an abandoned hardware store, its windows shattered and door hanging open. They carefully entered, stepping over broken glass and scattered merchandise, hoping to find the shields they desperately needed.

Rummaging through the debris, they managed to find several items that could serve as makeshift shields: a large, round trash can lid for Daichi, a stop sign for Sora, a sturdy wooden board for Aya, a bent metal street sign for Miki, and a car door for Haruki.

As they emerged from the store, each now armed with a makeshift shield, they felt a renewed sense of camaraderie and determination. Their encounter with the creatures had shown them that, even in the face of unthinkable danger, their friendship and resourcefulness would help them face whatever challenges lay ahead.

With the group now focused on getting back home after acquiring suitable makeshift shields, their thoughts also turned to their other friends who were out on their own missions. They hoped that Kenta and Haruki were faring well as they searched for security system components in a nearby house. They also hoped to hear good news from Tsuyo.


As they moved through the house, Kenta couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease. The silence was suffocating, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was lurking in the shadows. He gripped his bo staff tighter, knuckles turning white.

The living room was mostly untouched, with only a few scattered belongings hinting at the recent panic. In one corner, an old television sat, the screen flickering with static. Haruki rummaged through a nearby cabinet, his face a mask of concentration. "I found the mounting brackets and wireless transmitter," he said, holding up the items.

"Great," Kenta replied, his voice strained. "Let's keep searching."

They continued their search, finding the recording device in the home office and the display monitor in the master bedroom. As they collected the components, Kenta couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end.

"Let's just check the garage to see if there's anything useful," Kenta insisted.

They stumbled upon a toolbox in the garage, its contents neatly organized and ready for use. Haruki heaved it up, his face flushed with effort. "This should do it," he grunted.

Just as they were about to leave, a sudden noise echoed through the house. The sound of shuffling footsteps made Kenta's heart race, and he tightened his grip on his bo staff. Haruki's eyes widened, and he raised his club defensively.

"Something's here, probably one of those disgusting fucks," Kenta whispered, his breath hitching.

They moved cautiously towards the sound, weapons at the ready. As they rounded a corner, they came face-to-face with the grotesque creature, its skin mottled and eyes vacant. It let out a guttural growl, lunging toward them.

Kenta swung his bo staff, connecting with the creature's head and sending it sprawling. Haruki quickly moved in, his club smashing down on the creature with a sickening crunch. They exchanged a glance, adrenaline coursing through their veins.

"We need to get out of here," Haruki gasped, his voice shaky.

Nodding, Kenta led the way, their escape swift and silent. As they exited the house, the oppressive silence was broken by the distant cries of other creatures, a chilling reminder that their world had changed forever.


Tsuyo's phone chimed as messages from Ryo and Kenta appeared, both confirming the successful completion of their missions. A wave of relief washed over him, grateful that everything was progressing smoothly. He decided to remain in his vantage point for an additional five minutes, keeping an eye on the creatures and watching for any fluctuations in their numbers.

With a renewed sense of determination, Tsuyo rose to his feet and started making his way back home. He effortlessly leaped across the rooftops once more, his movements more fluid and confident now that he had grown accustomed to the precarious journey. The adrenaline coursing through his veins fueled his resolve to return to his friends and share the information he had gathered.

As Tsuyo continued his rooftop journey, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of hope and anxiety. The success of their individual missions had brought them closer to their ultimate goal, but he knew that the true test would come when they faced the creatures as a united team. The thought weighed heavily on his mind, but he pushed forward, knowing that the strength of their unity would be their greatest weapon in the battles to come.

A new thought crossed Tsuyo's mind, causing a flicker of irritation. 'Why is Daichi on my ass? I literally saved them. What's with his suspicion towards me?'

Tsuyo suddenly stopped and brought his palm to his forehead, realizing, 'Ah shit, it's cause Aya, isn't it. I can smell his overprotectiveness. I mean, she's hot and all, but….'

His thoughts trailed off for a moment as he stared at the ground, inadvertently conjuring up a provocative image of her moaning. 'AHH, NO WHAT THE FUCK. I CAN'T BE THINKING ABOUT THAT RIGHT NOW. Ah shit, I haven't thought about that before, and now that image is in my head,' he says as he puts his hand over his eyes.

As he continued traversing the rooftops, Tsuyo struggled to shake the image from his mind.

"Seriously, Daichi, look what you've planted in my head," he muttered, chuckling to himself.


The shield group is walking back to the house, and they see Kenta and Haruki setting up the cameras outside.

"Yo," Daichi greeted Kenta and Haruki, "So I see you guys are setting the cameras up, you guys figured it out?"

"Yea Yea Yea, we got it," Kenta replied. "We also… had to take out Tsuyo's neighbor…."

"Ahh shit, I see, that's unfortunate," Daichi replied. "Just tell him that no one was in that house."

"Alright bro," Kenta agreed.

Both groups glanced up at the rooftops in the distance, where they could see Tsuyo effortlessly leaping from one to another. Ryo couldn't help but chuckle as he observed Tsuyo's display of agility. "Man, what a guy. I should probably stop calling him a kid if he can do that. Hell, I can't even do that," he said, laughing.

Aya, on the other hand, sat there in awe as she watched Tsuyo's movements. She couldn't quite put her finger on the strange feeling that welled up inside her, but she noticed her heart rate had increased ever so slightly. She shook her head, trying to regain her focus on the task at hand. There was still so much to do, and now wasn't the time for distractions. But even as she returned her attention to the group's plan, she couldn't help but steal another glance at Tsuyo, her curiosity and intrigue growing.

Daichi, who had also been watching Tsuyo's acrobatics, couldn't help but notice Aya's reaction. His eyes shifted from Tsuyo to Aya, observing her as she tried to regain her focus on the task at hand. However, the subtle increase in her heart rate and the way her gaze kept drifting back toward Tsuyo did not go unnoticed.

Narrowing his eyes, he deftly adjusted his glasses with a single finger, his protective instincts kicking in. Daichi had always been the one to watch over Aya, and seeing her intrigued by someone else stirred a hint of unease within him. He tried to shake off the feeling, reminding himself that Tsuyo had been helpful to the group and that Aya was perfectly capable of making her own choices. Nonetheless, he couldn't help but keep a watchful eye on her, observing the growing connection between Aya and Tsuyo with a mix of curiosity and concern.

As Tsuyo gracefully leapt onto the last rooftop, both groups caught sight of his impressive display of agility. Sano executed a smooth roll, landing on the surface with ease. All eyes were fixed on him, utterly awestruck by his performance.

Kenta, unable to contain his surprise, blurted out, "Holy shit, Tsuyo can jump!"

Tsuyo continued his momentum, jumping off the lowest roof and landing on the ground with another well-executed roll. As he got up, he noticed the entire group staring at him, their eyes wide with amazement. He scratched the back of his head, feeling slightly embarrassed by the attention.

"Uh, yeah, I guess I've picked up a few tricks along the way," Tsuyo said sheepishly, trying to downplay his skills.

Ryo playfully draped his arm around Tsuyo's neck, pulling him into a friendly half-nelson as he laughed. "Holy shit, Tsuyo! That was insane! How the hell'd you do that?"

"Well, I ran track and field, so I guess that helps with the running and jumping," Tsuyo replied, scratching his head and smiling.

Aya couldn't help but smile, her admiration for Tsuyo growing even stronger. She had always been drawn to people who were skilled and passionate about their abilities, and Tsuyo's performance only served to pique her interest further.

Daichi, on the other hand, watched the scene unfold with a hint of envy. He couldn't deny that Tsuyo's acrobatics were impressive, but seeing Aya's reaction to them only intensified his feelings of protectiveness and wariness. He tried to shake off the sensation, telling himself that it was essential for the group to work together as a cohesive unit.

Clearing his throat, Daichi redirected the conversation. "Alright, everyone, let's focus. We have a lot of work to do, and we need to stay on track. Tsuyo, your acrobatics will come in handy, so let's put them to good use."

With that, the group refocused on their mission, each member contributing their unique skills and expertise to the collective effort. Yet, even as they worked together, the undercurrents of tension, admiration, and protectiveness continued to flow, shaping the relationships and dynamics within the group.
