
Wrapped around her fingers

Nathan's eyes rolled back feeling as if their leg had been reset or something.  He couldn't feel it as the doctor bandaged him. On the other hand, he had to endure his wife's piercing gaze.

"Do you have to play hero all the time," Laura Laura with a frown and placed her hand on Nathan's shoulder. It was a good day until she received an emergency that Nathan was hurt. She rushed to the hospital only to hear what happened. 

"My employees okay…I need them," he said breathlessly and did all he could to keep still, the doctor glanced at him and then shook his head.

"What if you lost a leg or both…I don't think you would still be talking like this," Laura remarked disdainfully, earning a chuckle from Nathan. He grabbed her hand and made her sit on the bed beside him.

"My wife, I know you are concerned about me…but don't worry, your favorite part is…unharmed," Nathan whispered in Laura's ear making her cheeks turn red.

"Stop it," she smacked him on the chest shyly only for Nathan to laugh and held her hand close to her heart.

"Do you want me to show you," he said blinking mischievously at her, Laura was on the verge of collapse, especially when the doctor was around and could hear Nathan's bickering. 

"I'm leaving…you are impossible, " Laura muttered through gritted teeth and prepared to flee for her life. However, Nathan pulled her down until she fell over him. A low gasp escaped her throat when she realized the position she was in with Nathan.

"I'm serious… There's nothing to worry about…I'm fine, just a minor injury," Nathan said seriously and caressed her face. Laura stared at him for a while, not sure how to handle him. He was hurt, but busy acting alright.

"And I'm serious, your health is more important," Laura whispered back and both stared at each other for a while. Nathan smiled faintly and nodded. The woman was worried about him. What he did was irresponsible,  but he had to save that man. He pledged loyalty,  he needed more men to trust him.

"I'll be careful next time," Nathan murmured and made Laura rest her head on his chest, she adjusted herself comfortably and relaxed in Nathan's arms. On the other hand, Nathan glanced at the doctor and nodded at him. The doctor smiled and continued attending to his leg.

Nathan knew he had work to do. However,  when Bernardo got wind of what transpired at the site. He was furious.  But Nathan had to keep it cool. He wasn't a kid at all. When he was discharged from the hospital two days later. He couldn't wait to leave the forsaken bed and get to work.

"Laura that's enough okay…I'm fine..see  " Nathan frowned as he showed her his leg. He was perfectly fine. He could walk on his own, although with a little difficulty. 

"Stop pretending…you won't leave this bed until I say so," Laura said and shoved a bowl of soup in his hands. Nathan was surprised how a woman was having the upper hand.

"Sweet wifey…understand my situation…I have work at the site…I need to get there," Nathan said in the most innocent way possible. He still had those unfilial employees to deal with. Especially in the case of other workers not getting paid. He knew all workers got provisions for their families as bonuses but what he learned. Some never did.

"Don't even try it, I have Robert and lawyer Gael handling your work…for now rest or I'm calling Bernardo and Claire," Laura scoffed leaving Nathan at a loss. He couldn't argue with Laura even if he wanted to. Especially when she involved the likes of his mom and Bernardo. Letting out a sigh, Nathan decided not to fight it. He could talk to Alejandro over the phone. He was sure Robert and Alejandro could help him investigate more about Bernardo's workers.

"I need to handle them my way," Nathan said as he attempted to stand, unfortunately that was a bad idea because immediately his foot connected with the cold floor. He felt a sharp sting rush through him.

"Fire them…you can't keep disobedient employees…if they went on strike then they don't need the job," Laura said bitterly, she didn't understand why Nathan was adamant on keeping lousy employees.  However Nathan knew this was just a simple test.

"If I can't make these listen to me.. how do you expect others to listen to me," he would fire them since he had the power. But he had to subdue them somehow.  He had to show power and rule, that was his way. He wasn't a coward.

"They've been using cheap material to build that building…are you still siding with them huh?" Laura threw him a death glare as she arranged his clothes. Nathan did not forget that tiny detail.

"I'll get to the bottom of this…I have to be cautious, " Nathan said calmly and fully stood on his feet, however a loud cry escaped his throat as he fell back on the bed wincing in pain. "fuck this...Dammit it!

"What happened here?" Laura panicked as she rushed to him only to stop when she realized he was still forcing things. His leg was healing up just fine, unfortunately the bandage was now drenched in red liquid. 

"You are impossible!" She spat out and went to get first aid from the bathroom. Nathan only chucked and gave up. It was useless, he had to heal first.


"Dean, come back here…who do you think you are!" Larisa lashed out as she ran after Dean. The man left the bed without an explanation, wearing her robe. Larissa hurried to stop him but the man was already out the door.

"You coward…how dare you!" She yelled when Dean stormed out and slammed shut the door leaving her standing in one place. Anger flashed in Larissa's eyes as she adjusted the robe around herself and walked back to the bed.

"That fool…does he know who I am?" she frowned while pouring herself some champagne.  All she wanted was to be satisfied.  Something Bernardo couldn't do. Larissa gulped down the entire drink and slammed the flute back on the table. Glancing back to the messy bed, she frowned knowing full well she was ready for Dean. But he left her hanging 

"Oh Dean…you are an animal…ha!" She said with irritation and poured herself another drink. She hated how men behaved like animals. Dean was no exception, he was acting like a saint when in actual sense. He was dying to have her.  However, her expression darkened when she thought of Nathan. Dean easily fell into her trap. Why was it so difficult to trap Nathan? She so badly wanted Nathan to show her a good time. But it seemed like Laura had Nathan wrapped around her fingers.

"I won't spare you, Laura," she spat out bitterly just as she heard a knock on the door. Larissa was curious because this was a hotel. She and Dean left home to see each other in secret. Since Bernardo had eyes everywhere.  They decided to go somewhere private. Glancing at her wristwatch. Larissa frowned and walked to the door. Without opening it, she peeked through the small hole to see who it was and if it was someone she was expecting. 

"What took you so long?" She said as she opened the door the man she found standing there in a long black coat smirked as he scanned her from head to toe.

"Good evening to you too, madam," the man said with interest but Larissa glared at him and walked back inside. Adjusting her robe, she waited as the man closed the door and walked up to her.

"Tell me, Mr Carter…are you this incompetent?" Larissa asked sarcastically as she turned to look at the supervisor.  However, Carter was intrigued by the lady's beauty. He slowly stripped off his coat and tossed it on the sofa.

"Lady Larissa…you know how slow I take things…expect mind-blowing results," he said shrewdly as he slowly approached Larissa like some predator. His eyes flashed with lust. Seeing his actions, Larissa frowned and kept him at arm's length.

"I gave you a simple job Mr Carter …I'm not seeing results," Larissa said disdainfully, Carter let out a chuckle and began to unbutton his shirt.

"What are you doing?" Larissa asked, seeing what the man was busy doing.

"My lady, I'm sure you will like the wild things I can do to you," Carter remarked seductively but Larissa frowned in disgust. Of a man, she liked to touch her. The filthy supervisor was the least she wanted.

"Mr Carter I'm sure you know I'm out of your league…why don't you go to some brothel and find yourself a cheap prostitute," Larissa scoffed sarcastically, making Carter frown. Yes, he wasn't that good-looking. A lot tanned from spending so much time in the sun but he was more than capable of making a woman cry for more.

"Don't let looks fool you, my pretty lady," Carter grabbed Larissa by the waist and pulled her to him so fast that she gasped in awe.

"W-what are you doing?" She panicked when Carter tried to kiss her. 

"Showing you a good time," Carter said breathlessly, ripping her robe in half. Larissa was shocked to see a barbaric man before her. 

"I know just how to make you beg for my cock," Carter muttered huskily and threw Larissa on the bed. She was shocked seeing how his eyes were drenched in lust and fire. When he took off his clothes, her eyes hung in disbelief. 

"I'm warning you, filthy dog…you are nothing but a scumbag…a dirty pig," she said breathlessly and tried to run away, she would never let the likes after having a piece of her. He was too filthy.

"By the time I'm done…you'll only want my cock inside you," saying Carter came up to her, grabbed her hands and trapped them above her head. Despite how Larissa struggled it was in vain. Either way, she was horny from being left hanging, despite how filthy Carter was. His body was heavenly sculpted.  When his hairy chest brushed against her breath as he kissed her forcefully.  Her lower part ached to be filled.

"Ahh, more…oh yes," Larissa moaned. Carter entered her in one slide. he was big and hard that it hurts. He was a barbaric man, he didn't even woo her but just went straight to the deed.