
More family drama

“You'll be fine,” Laura whispered and held Nathan's hand. She just got him out of jail, and that police detective wanted to refuse to get him out on bail. Laura had threatened him to release Nathan, or he was going to lose his job

Luckily Carl got a call from Robert and explained everything, shortly after, they caught the man who was responsible for everything

“You didn't have to bother,” Nathan said softly, he knew Robert and Alejandro together with Carl had everything under control. The culprit had to be caught. Unfortunately, Nathan did not expect the man to admit he wasn't sent by anyone, but he did it because he hated Nathan

“He'll rot in hell… I'll make sure he dies,” Laura remarked bitterly, Nathan was surprised how she was angry, something about her was indeed different

“It's okay, be calm now,” Nathan coaxed, she was stressing for nothing. Laura glared at him just as they reached home. It had been a long day, it was nearly past midnight. Laura thought she could throw a nice party for Nathan. Unfortunately, it got ruined

“Don't stress,” Nathan told her when the car stopped by the entrance of the mansion, and he stepped out first to open the door for her

“As long as these people don't do anything to get me angry,” she muttered and took his hand. Carefully, Nathan helped her land on the ground

“It's quite… I hope everything is okay,” Laura said hoping the quietness of the place didn't mean trouble

Unfortunately when Laura and Nathan walked inside. They found more trouble…one of the female servants was caught with a large sum of money

“Sis, she was paid to frame Nathan…this…this is the girl who did it,” Camila said when Laura and Nathan walked in. A tired-looking Laura thought the day was over.

“Do you know the consequences of framing my husband and your boss?” Laura said coldly, and the woman started crying pleading innocently

“M-madam, please spare me… I didn't know what…what was in the bag… I was only…they asked me to put the bag in sir's closet,” the lady cried out while begging for her life. Laura's anger flared up, and the entire crowd gathered in the main hall. Nathan scanned the woman carefully. This was the same woman who brought laundry to the room The very same day. He was the one who attended to everyone's laundry all the time. He didn't know she could do something so vile

“The police will handle you, for this… you are going straight to prison…now tell me who asked you to do something so despicable!” Laura made a low yell scaring the woman who wept even more

“She won't talk, she said the man they arrested paid her,” Camila chimed in and Jeremy nodded. The entire time, Nathan was watching everyone in the room. From the family members to the servants. Something big was happening, and he didn't know

“It's pointless asking, let her go… Laura, this woman is poor…she got carried away by the cash and did that,” Elizabeth added as well. She was tired of the drama. As it was, Nathan was out of jail. It wasn't worth it to drag the matter

“Let her go, sis… I agree with mom,” Jeremy said, Laura stopped and turned to look at her family in disbelief. She didn't expect them to act in such a way

“Really? So, you all want me to let her go?” Laura asked more calmly, shifting his gaze from her sister to her brother and finally to her mom. The three nodded in response which made Laura feel disappointed in them

“It's late… we can solve this matter tomorrow," Camila said with a lazy yawn and Laura smiled faintly.

“Robert. Is everything ready?” Laura asked turning to Robert standing on the sidelines without saying a word he startled back to reality and nodded

“Yes lady Laura… if you can excuse me,” Robert said with a low bow and excused himself. Everyone, including Nathan, was confused and clueless about what was happening. But seeing Laura's expression. Camila got worried

What worried her, even more, was when Robert called everyone to the TV room. It was separate from the living room because it was mainly for entertainment and recreation. The family and the servant girl gathered in the large TV room. Nathan had never been to this part of the house before. It was a bit dark if not for the dim lights and the flat-screen TV

“What's this Laura?” Elizabeth asked when they found the man who was mainly found in the CCTV room busy plugging something.

“My apologies, I was framed… but last week we installed some new secret cameras around the house for safety reasons,” this time it was Nathan who said for the first time, and Jeremy together with Camila turned to look at him in disbelief. He saw through their fear which disappeared as soon as possible

“But mom and uncle strictly said no cameras around the house,” Camila said

“As I said for security reasons… Everyone has their opinion…how about we check the CCTV footage for the truth,” Nathan added just as the man was done installing everything. Tension rose in the room as Nathan stepped forward and took the remote from the table. He glanced at the family and played the more important footage,

Laura was eager to know what had been happening under her roof. She didn't know Nathan had installed cameras around the house. She just found out when they were at the station

“B-but, miss…how can I…what if I'm caught,” the first voice they heard was that of the same servant they found with money, by now some people in the room were sweating like someone who had been dumped into the lake? Sadly, the master mind's face couldn't be seen since they remained in the shadows, only the servant girl could be seen clearly. Even so, Nathan and Laura wanted to know who the culprit was

“Do as I said, put this bag in your boss's closet… this money is for you, take it and do the job, if you open your filthy mouth... I'll make sure your family never live to see tomorrow ” the person said and hearing a voice, all eyes turned to one person

“Camila,” Elizabeth said in disbelief before Laura could say her sister's name. Camila was shaking in fear as she shook her head in denial and took a few steps backwards.