

“Why would you say that…"?

“Because it can be possible… does this mean you have accepted him,” Larissa said with a mischievous grin, her friend was someone who wasn't into men, even if she had been married three times

“You are exaggerating, nothing is going on,” Laura said and got back to work, she was okay. Just because she went to see a gynecologist didn't mean she was expecting

“If you like him, it won't hurt to have a little one,” Larissa said mischievously making Laura feel irritated, she came to work not to gossip about unimportant things

“Stop it okay, that's not going to happen…he's just my employee…nothing else,” Laura said and slowly rose to her feet but reached for the edge of the table when she suddenly felt dizzy

“Laura, are you okay?” Larissa was quick to get to Laura's side and caught her before she could collapse, “easy, sit down…how are you feeling?” Larissa asked softly and made sure Laura was sitting comfortably. Laura shoved Larissa's hands away and buried her face in her palm to regain her senses,

“I'm… I'm okay, just exhausted,” she whispered and removed her hands from her face. Larissa already poured her friend a glass of water and handed it to her

“So, here drink this…should I call for a doctor,” Larissa asked hesitantly only to earn a death glare from Laura. She was fine, maybe she was just exhausted from working too much

“I have work, so kindly leave,” Laura said calmly, her friend was putting ideas in her head. She wasn't pregnant like she was assuming

“Mrs. Dawson, don't be stubborn… I'm sure you must be thrilled…well, as your friend, I'll advise you to talk to Nathan about this,” Larissa remarked while picking up her purse slowly, the smug plastered on her face made Laura even more irritated. She had nothing to say to Larissa's silly assumptions; hence she waited until Larissa left when she let out a loud exhalation and leaned back on the chair

“I'm not pregnant, just exhausted,'' she said to herself and picked up her phone to call Nathan. He said he was going to the police station. Laura wondered if he managed to get something out of Camila

Before Laura could call Nathan, there was a knock and someone came in without being told so

“Hello lady Laura… At last, I can finally see you,” it was none other than Jared who came in and said with a smirk tugging at his lips. Laura, who wasn't expecting the man, frowned and shifted comfortably in her seat

“And what can I do for you?” Laura asked nonchalantly as Jared closed the door and made his way to her desk. There was something about the man she found strange. Just his presence made Laura feel uncomfortable

“Let's just say, I have something for you… something which will shock you, my lady,” the man said shrewdly and shoved a red file on her desk. Laura's eyes darted around before she looked at the file

“And what could that be huh… I must remind you that no matter the business proposal… I'm not interested,” Laura said before the man could sit down, she knew the man a little but not that much to let him have shares in the company

“I'm flattered, my lady, but who am I to seek such a thing when you don't have it,” Jared said cunningly and gracefully, sitting down and placing his walking stick to the sides. He unbuttoned his coat and adjusted it comfortably. Laura's eyes narrowed suspiciously, not sure what the man meat

“Ah, you must not underestimate me, my lady. I'm sure you'll thank me for unmasking someone…someone trying to steal from you…an enemy who deceived you into marrying him,” Jared said and gestured for Laura to pick up the file. Of course, Laura wasn't interested in what the man was saying, especially when it had Nathan written all over it

“Leave my office, I have no time for you,” she told him with a straight face. The anger in her voice had Jared chuckling in amusement,

“Your father's friend… the man who was your mother's lover…the man who made you and your siblings suffer such a cruel childhood and tried to break your family…” Jared said coldly and shoved the file to Laura even more. “Lady Laura, open that file and find out what his lovely son is doing…the sweet revenge he's taking,” he added, making Laura confused. What was he saying?


On the other hand, Nathan just caught his mom and Bernardo in an uncompromising situation when he went to visit her. What he heard shocked him greatly. That he didn't believe it, even if they told him everything, he still didn't believe their words.

“That's the family, the family who ruined our lives… Elizabeth was your father's mistress…the woman who wanted to break my family and throw my children out in the streets,” Claire said while wiping her tears. The burden had been too much for her, she couldn't bare to carry such truths knowing her son married the same family who destroyed his life

“Nathan, your mother is telling the truth… I'm sure the Larson family wanted to take revenge, that's why Laura married you,” Bernardo said, adding to everything Nathan was told.

“I tried to stop you, but you already made up your mind… that family is living off your father's hard-earned money…” Claire added, a long time ago… Laura's father was friends with her husband, the Larson were just an average family starting their business. When they met her husband who was already successful. He thought of including Laura's father into the business. She, too, was friends with Elizabeth, knowing their husbands were friends. But with time, Claire found out about Elizabeth's interest in her husband. Not just that but the shocking news of the Larson family after her husband's fortune,

“Mom,” Nathan muttered while running his hands through his hair. All of it was too much to bear. This meant Laura married him for revenge. She knew about what her family did.

“I should have known all Laura wanted was to take revenge and make your life miserable" Claire added and broke into wails, Nathan's anger flared seeing his mom. The state she was in. No one was allowed to hurt his mom as Elizabeth did. That woman tried to break another woman's marriage. His mom was sick, she went through so much to raise him and his siblings. Laura's family was to blame. After destroying them in the past. Laura continued what her mother and father started, by marrying him into her family and making his life a living hell.