
Divorce him

“It's in the afternoon, quit drinking now,” Carl said and tried to snatch the bottle of liquor from Nathan, but he shoved him away and gulped more

“I should have known…hiccups…she's a witch,” Nathan in between hiccups, he was miserable. He couldn't stand the sight of Laura. She was a witch who broke his heart into little pieces

“Get it together, man, drinking won't solve anything!” Carl reprimanded and kicked a few empty bottles out of his way and tried to get to Nathan… Carl was aware Nathan never drank alcohol. He was disgusted by it, but after he came to his apartment the previous night. He had been drinking all night and cursing Laura

Glancing up at Carl with droopy eyes, Nathan slammed the bottle on the floor and tried to sit up, unfortunately, he ended up falling back

“Ah, s-she's a witch… I-I hate her so much… I trusted her… hiccups…she's from a family of witches,” Nathan stuttered as he rested his hand on the edge of the table and tried to stand. Carl, who was busy, picking up the countless empty bottles scattered all over stopped and stared at Nathan

He was a mess and intoxicated. His eyes were a crimson red, and he could barely form a proper sentence. He was continually cursing Laura and her family. Carl felt terrible, he had never seen Nathan in such a miserable state before

“D-do you know…here…it…it hurts,” Nathan stammered and hit his fist on his chest, there was sadness in his eyes. Something Carl had never seen. Putting the bottles to the sides. Carl walked up to Nathan

“Come on buddy, let's get you to the guest room,” Carl said with heavy breaths as he tried to get Nathan to stand. The man shoved him away and reached for his bottle. His fingers brushed against the bottle when Carl managed to make him stand, and the bottle shattered on the floor. The liquid splashed everywhere, including on Nathan

“L-leave me!” Nathan shouted and pushed Carl away from him and stumbled around while trying to find balance. Carl let out curses, hating how Nathan got whenever he was drunk

“Stop this now…man up and deal with your problems…” Carl said, coldly, he was irritated with Nathan acting like a child. His words didn't affect Nathan because he went on his knees until he was sitting on the floor and dragged his knees to his chest. He curled in a ball and rested his head between his knees

“I… I don't like this…t-this feeling…it's…it's painful,” Nathan muttered, slurring with each word he said. His voice was even lower and hoarse that Carl felt helpless

“Tell me…why does your heart hurt?” Carl sat on the armrest close to Nathan and waited for him to answer. It seemed Nathan was indeed hurting, but what Carl didn't expect was Nathan being all giddy about hearts and feelings,

“I… I want her…but…but I hate her…” Nathan kept muttering to himself while pulling his hair hard as if he were hearing strange voices. Carl exhaled heavily and knew what to do. It was either she called Laura to fix things with her husband. Or call Nathan's family. Carl went for the former, what Nathan needed was Laura. Both needed to talk things out

After taking Nathan to the room and making him lie on the bed, Carl walked back to the living room to fix things. His apartment had two self-contained bedrooms. A kitchen, living room and a study room for his work as well as a spare room he called a shoe room

“I hope she answers,” Carl muttered while dialing Laura's number he took from Nathan's phone. It was in the afternoon, Carl guessed Laura was already awake. However, he was surprised when he called and someone unexpectedly answered

It was Camila who answered, but wasn't she supposed to be in jail?

“Don't call my sister again, and tell your friend…the police are coming for him for committing fraud,” Camilla spat out and disconnected the call. Carl was still shocked as he tried to call again, but the phone was switched off

“Maybe Robert should know what's going on,” Carl said and got ready to call Robert. Things were turning ugly for Nathan, Camilla was supposed to be locked up, so why was she out?


“She's fine, I prescribed some medication for her… please give her on time,” the doctor said while handing a prescription to Elizabeth who nodded and gave it to Patricia

“Thanks, doctor,” Laura muttered with great difficulty, she couldn't move or do anything. She was happy to wake up and found the doctor attending to her

“You'll be fine just take the medicine I prescribed, if anything happens kindly call me,” the doctor lady said with a smile and Laura nodded

“Patty, escort the doctor,” Laura whispered, shifting her gaze to Patricia who nodded and guided the doctor away. The entire time Elizabeth was staring at her daughter

“Get him arrested Laura, he dared to lay his hands on you,” Elizabeth said, not believing what Nathan did to her daughter. They found her unconscious in her room, bleeding. It seemed Nathan pushed her because when they saw him leaving the house. He looked furious.

Later on, when Laura regained consciousness, she requested to see Alejandro, Elizabeth was shocked when Laura ordered Alejandro to drop all charges and release Camila

“Yes sis, that man is bad news…we've tried to tell you for a while, just divorce him” Camila said as soon as she came back from answering a phone. The chief of police was called Laura. Camila sent him to hell and switched off Laura's phone. Laura blinked a few times and closed her eyes for a while.

“Mom, did you and dad…what exactly did you do to his family?” Laura asked after exhaling and inhaling to relax her nerves. Her eyes opened and met Elizabeth's confused expression,

“W-what, do you mean? Laura, I have no idea what you mean” Elizabeth stammered the words out and rose from the bed, Laura swallowed hard and attempted to sit up but failed.

“Tell me now!” She yelled so much that Elizabeth and Camila were startled by her sudden outburst.

“Sweetie, whatever that man said is a lie…tell me what he said, huh,” Elizabeth said defensively, her hands turned cold as sweat formed on her forehead. Camila's eyes narrowed suspiciously. She knew her mom and Elizabeth looked scared

“Sis, please relax…the doctor warned you about stressing… please rest… Jeremy is dealing with everything,” Camila came forward and said nervously, to save her mom's skin she tried, certainly, to stop Laura from asking any questions. Laura knew what Camila meant

She was exhausted; hence she nodded and asked them to leave her room. Both mother and daughter left Laura's room and the first thing Elizabeth did was call Stan back to the city

They had to do something about Nathan before things got out and spread to the media.