
CHAPTER 77 Where she stands

  Nathan exhaled and inhaled as he attempted to keep himself from groaning. Laura was buried cleaning his wound. He didn't recall ever feeling the agonizing pain when he was doing it

  Whatever she was using made him go insane. He was a man he had to endure the pain; however, it was too much for him that his eyes flew open only to slap Laura's hand away

  “Damn… What the heck are you using” he muttered with heavy breaths only for Laura to frown at him and lowered her gaze to his wound

  “How did this happen?” The man was hurt badly, his wound was not spotless; hence it was infected.

  “Got into a fight,” he replied nonchalantly. Laura wondered why he was behaving as if his wound weren't a big deal

  “Fight? Is that all you do?”

  “I settle most matters with fists, so likely yes…,” Nathan answered her question. He had nothing to hide when he liked solving his problems with fists. He was a man after all