
CHAPTER 54 Regrets

  The morning breeze slipped through the open window. Another day had dawned

  The cold breeze caressed Laura's exposed legs making her drag her legs up for warmth. Her arms circled, as she adjusted herself into a comfortable position.  Her head rested on a pillow, a hard and warm pillow

  Laura tried opening her eyes as she rubbed her face against the pillow

  It was awfully cold that she snuggled more to her pillow, letting out soft moans. Laura found the pillow comforting as she ran her hand over only to stop

  "Mmm, "there was something wrong with the pillow. Trying to open her eyes, Laura lifted her head, flickering her eyes open. She blinked multiple times as she adjusted to the bright room. She felt tired and relaxed

  Her head was so heavy that even her vision was blurry. Shifting her gaze up, her eyes widened at the sight of something she wasn't expecting