
CHAPTER 29 Sharing a bed?

  Laura was the first one to shower after having dinner. Having a lot of paperwork

  She decided to do them at home. Her family sometimes posed to be a pain in the neck. However, with Nathan handling some of her affairs. The night was cold due to the heavy rains outside 

  Laura already shut the windows and closed the balcony doors

  Glancing towards the bathroom door, Nathan was taking a shower before going to bed

  She was still not sure if letting him sleep outside the balcony was okay

  Something had been bothering her since. Keeping her eyes on the computer screen. Time passed by, and soon the door creaked open. She didn't have to look up to know Nathan was done

  The scent of his bath soap hit her nostrils.  She failed to understand why she liked how he smelled…it was strange, but Nathan had a good choice when it came to his perfumes, a different kind which was intoxicating,