
CHAPTER 100 Fire them

  “What!” Robert exclaimed in disbelief upon hearing what Jeremy said. Even Alejandro was shocked that he didn't believe it

  “You heard me right, you two are fired for conspiring against our company and colluding with Nathan,” Jeremy said cheekily and half sat on the desk. Both Robert and Alejandro looked at him in awe.

  “Lady Laura is entitled to fire us, not you Jeremy,” Alejandro said calmly, Robert saw how the lawyer was trying, certainly, to keep calm. It was enough that Laura allowed Camila to be let out of jail, and now she was firing them

  “Yes, only lady Laura has that right…scram Jeremy,” Robert chimed in and said boldly. He wasn't going anywhere until Laura came and fired him. Seeing how stubborn the two were behaving. Jeremy let out a sarcastic chuckle and got off the desk