
The Unwanted Princess

[Horror Genre Warning] [Violence, Death, and Gore warning] [ This story is not suitable for sensitive and light-hearted people ] [ Do not read if you dislike violence, death, gore, and horror ] There is a historical book about a powerless castaway princess named Inanna, living in a world where your magic defines you. In the Lilith Empire, royals born with magical abilities live in the royal castle with the Emperor and Empress. Royals born without magic are sent to live in a run-down and low maintenanced castle called the Hollow's castle, to be forgotten by the world. According to a royal decree made by the emperor, the children in the Hollow's Castle are to be executed once they turn 18 years old. But Inanna is unfortunately sentenced to death by the emperor, her own father, at 13 years old for trespassing the royal castle after she tries to save her eldest siblings from execution. The book eventually ends with Inanna's death. Ivery, who read the book is displeased by the ending. Ivery soon fell asleep after reading the book, but is suddenly awakened by a floating woman in her room. The woman tells Ivery to change princess Inanna's fate and soon after the strange encounter, Ivery was blinded by a bright flash. Once she opened her eyes, her whole world changed...literally. She was now in the body of princess Inanna, and living in the Hollows Castle. She eventually adjusts to her new life with the help of Loki, a magical snow-white talking cat that claims to be her guide, she aims to change Inanna's dreading predestined fate, until it all changes forever... For the better or for the worst? ( Cover art does not belong to me, so I'm not sure who the original artist is....but credit goes to them. )

Calistal · ย้อนยุค
122 Chs

Chapter 10: Crescent Academy


"I'm going to an academy?" Ivery asked

"Of course, you've never been to an academy before and you're already thirteen" Cassandra started ordering the maids to get Ivery ready

"What academy am I going to?" Ivery wasn't pleased to hear that she was going to school again

"Crescent Academy" Cassandra answered

"What type of academy is it?" Ivery let the maids put on her uniform

"It's an exclusive academy for nobles and royals only" Cassandra took a brush from Ivery's vanity and ran the brush through her long, soft hair

"I see...is anyone else going too?" Ivery asked her mother

"Every royal child in this castle attends Crescent Academy" Cassandra continued to brush Ivery's hair

"By any chance does Luther attend Crescent Academy..?" Ivery wondered if he also went to this academt

"He does" Cassandra laughed, she was over the moon that Ivery liked Luther, she didn't want to put her only daughter in an arranged marriage she didn't want to be in and have her be miserable for the rest of her life

Ivery felt as if she slightly understood Luther better after having a long conversation with Hades a few days ago. But she still didn't have any strong feelings for him, even with his loving actions towards her, it didn't sway her emotions, all he did was confuse her..

Ivery stood still as her Cassandra brushed through her hair. Cassandra fixed Ivery's collar and dusted off her shirt, she slid a golden butterfly pin in Ivery's hair.

"Isn't this a little too short..?" Ivery looked down at the length of her skirt, it was the exact same length of the skirts in her world, the skirt didn't even pass her knees

"It's fine darling, Luther will look if you wear it" Cassandra winked

"M-Mother.." Ivery turned around to look at her and wondered if Cassandra was serious...

"What? Luther isn't any different from any other pubescent boy, he won't be able to help himself and catch a little glance at the very least" Cassandra chuckled as she adjusted Ivery's skirt

"...." Ivery really wasn't looking forward to going to school again...



Ivery sat in her carriage as it followed the several other carriages that her other siblings were riding in. Loki sat in his place on her lap and relaxed on the way to Crescent Academy.

'We're lucky that they allow familiar's in the Academy or else you couldn't come with me.." Ivery told Loki

"I'm not a familiar, because familiars in this world can't speak the human language as I can.." Loki explained to Ivery

"Then how do people communicate with their familiars?" Ivery asked

"Humans have to use magic spells to be able to speak and understand their familiar's language, familiar's are almost no different than most animals, they're just more intelligent and they're able to help humans with their magical prowess" Loki said

"If you're not a familiar...then what are you?" Ivery asked

"I'm a fallen God" Loki looked at Ivery

"A fallen God? You?" Ivery looked down at Loki, finding it hard to believe

"I committed too many sins and I was kicked out of the Heavens and I was sent to roam the Earth for ten thousand years as punishment...but Hecate offered me a deal, she would renew my God status in the Heavens if I could guide a special human and hold half of your powers inside of me" Loki said

"You're not really a cat?" Ivery couldn't believe that Loki was a God...

"No, I just took this form because I figured that it would be easier to travel around with you instead of my original form.." Loki sighed

"What is your original form?" Ivery asked

"You'll see it one day" Loki wasn't planning on showing her his true form

"Can't I see it now?" Ivery poked his back

"No." Loki closed his eyes

"..." Ivery shrugged and looked out of the window



Ivery looked up at the giant, glorious building in front of her eyes. She opened the door to her carriage and stepped out. Loki hopped out of the carriage and followed behind Ivery as she walked towards the Academy.

"Loki, whatever happens...don't speak, since it's not possible for familiar's to talk as humans do, people will become suspicious" Ivery said

"I know.." Loki nodded

Ivery picked Loki up from the ground and walked up the long stairs. Around her were hundreds of nobles and royals walking up the stairs, she slightly felt out of place after being surrounded by nobility and gracefulness. These kids were nothing like the ones in her world, they walked up the stairs with beautiful posture and dignity.

The giant silver doors swung open and everyone entered. Ivery looked all around the halls and there was not a speck of dirt anywhere, everything was kept in pristine condition. She could see her reflection in the floors and the lockers.

Ivery looked at her papers, her homeroom was 2-2 C, she walked around the halls aimlessly searching for class 2-2 C.

She walked up another flight of stairs and walked around on the second floor and looked for her class. She saw the golden numbers on the door match the numbers on her paper, she opened the door and entered her classroom. Everyone's eyes were on her as she walked into the room.

"Welcome, introduce yourself" The teacher saw Ivery and smiled at her new student

"My name is Inanna Sibylla Lestria Argient Castiell, thank you for having me" Ivery slightly bowed

Everyone gasped as they heard her name, they instantly recognized that name and knew she was the newly Crowned Princess of the Lilith Empire and the second infinite attribute holder and she's also the rumored true blood successor to the throne of the powerful Lilith Empire.

Ivery walked to an empty seat by the windows and sat down, she placed Loki on her desk and watched the teacher as she explained the lesson.



Loki fell asleep on Ivery's desk, Ivery opened her book and wrote down notes from the lesson. As time progressed, Ivery was about to doze off until she heard screaming from outside.

She looked out of the window and saw crowds of people outside, everyone got up from their seats and looked out of the window. The girls that looked out of the window screamed and ran out of the classroom, the boys just stared down at the chaos outside.

"What's going on?" Ivery looked outside and saw all of the nobles and royals screaming by the front gates

"It's the MVPs," A noble boy told Ivery who was looking out the window

"The MVPs?" Ivery didn't understand

"They're the most intelligent, and the most powerful, and influential people in the academy" Another noble boy said

"And they're all really good looking" Another boy added

Ivery looked closer and saw five people walking in the middle of the crowd. Their uniforms were different than the uniforms everyone else wore, their outfits were full black with golden lining decorating their cuffs and outer layer coats.

Unlike the white shirt, white outer jackets, black pants, and skirts, the other students were required to wear.

They all ignored the screaming and shouting people around them and walked to the Academy gracefully and elegantly as if nothing and no one in the world mattered to them.

They didn't make any eye contact with anyone and continued to walk.

Ivery's eyes were in a state of shock when she saw Luther in the middle of the five of the MVP's.

"Isn't that crown prince Luther Vandell?" Ivery pointed

"Yeah..he's the coldest and merciless out of all of the MVP's, anyone that offended the MVP's either had their families go bankrupt or caused their families to be executed," A boy said

"One word from that Crown Prince, you and your family will be dead or you'd lose all of your families nobility and wealth, no matter what country you're from...his status in the world is just that powerful" Another boy added in

"He's also the leader of the MVP's, only he chooses who's able to be an MVP and so far there are only four people so far that met his standards and were able to impress him"

"Who are the members of the MVPs?" Ivery asked

"The only female MVP so far is Juliana Lecres the daughter of King Orel Lecres, and then there's Stewell Norel the son of a Marquis, Piere Cortette the son of a Duke, and Sariell Hesteria the son of a Duke" A boy answered Ivery's question

"I see..." Ivery nodded

"I suggest you stay away from those MVP's, especially Crown Prince Luther...he's not against killing women, and he doesn't hesitate to kill, even in the Academy....he and Stewell Norel just killed two boys on the spot for accidentally spilling their food on the MVP table in the cafeteria, it happened last week"

"All five of them are ruthless killers, Prince Luther is just the worst one of them all, if you join the MVP's, he'll mold you to be a killer and merciless... they all have no sympathy for the living and see us all as insects ready to be squashed, one wrong move in front of them, you're dead." Another boy dramatically said

"Only idiots who aren't afraid to die would dare to get close to them." A boy added in and sighed

"They're really that bad?" Ivery already knew that Luther had no problems with killing people, she didn't think that he also did it in the academy..

"They're worse than monsters, just don't do what those other girls do and run up to them...you'll die like the rest that tried getting close to them.." A boy warned Ivery

Ivery took in everything the boys said to her and to each other, even though she knew Luther wouldn't hurt her, she wasn't too sure about the other MVP's, she decided she'd stay away from Luther and his group..

Ivery sighed and leaned back in her chair.



When it was time for lunch, Ivery simply followed the other kids downstairs to the cafeteria. When she entered the cafeteria, the room was grand, all of the tables were black marble and shining, the ceiling was pure clear glass, you could see the clear blue sky from inside of the enormous cafeteria.

There was already a line for the food, Ivery stood on line and waited until the line moved. As soon as Ivery grabbed a tray, screaming was heard in the room, she turned around and saw the MVPs enter through the doors.

The MVP's walked to the line and everyone who was in line stepped away, everyone but Ivery...

Ivery looked at the five of them as they walked up to where Ivery stood. Ivery turned to put her tray back and walked away from them and scanned the room for a seat.

"Where are you going?" Luther asked

"To...sit down?" Ivery answered

"Come back" Luther smiled

Everyone in the cafeteria was whispering to each other, they all knew that Ivery was going to be killed. They all pitied her and looked away. It was a shame such a beautiful girl was going to die..

Ivery walked forward and stood in front of Luther, not knowing why he wanted her to go to him...

Luther grabbed Ivery's hand and he turned around to walk towards the doors..

He took her into the hallway and let go of her hand.



"Ivery..." Luther looked at Ivery

"Yes?" Ivery looked up at Luther

"W-Why are you wearing that?" Luther pointed down at her short skirt and turned away to blush

"My mother suggested that I wear it" Ivery answered him, not knowing why he asked

"It's too revealing.." Luther pushed Ivery back on the wall and he closed in on her

"What are you doing?" Ivery blushed

"I just missed your scent..." Luther put his head down on her shoulder and indulged in the scent that belonged to only her


"Were you hungry..?" Luther asked Ivery

"Yes.." Ivery responded

"Let's go back..." Luther pulled himself away from her warm embrace

He led her back to the cafeteria and let her walk back to get food...and many students were surprised to see the fact that she was still alive.

She picked up a tray and looked at her food options, she couldn't choose everything so she just chose a chicken salad. She took her tray and looked for a place to sit.

She saw Luther and he gestured for her to sit over with him...

At the MVP table...

Ivery didn't really want to sit with the infamous, deadliest kids in the Academy....she didn't want to deny Luther since she had to play the part as his fiance. So she walked over to their table and sat down next to Luther. Strangely...the five of them didn't seem all that threatening, they all just smiled at her.

She knew they weren't going to question Luther's decision, they probably never question or go against what he does.

Everyone in the cafeteria gasped when they saw Ivery sit down at the MVP table.

"So..she's the second infinite attribute holder?" Stewell asked

"And your newest fiance...?" Juliana asked as she glared coldly at Ivery

"Yes" Luther answered

"Can you show us your abilities?" Princess Juliana smirked

"What exactly do you want to see?" Ivery asked

"Anything" Sariell smiled

"Show us..." Piere said

Ivery's hands flickered with a golden glow and before she could do anything....a loud crash was heard in the middle of the room.


"Know your place as a commoner's daughter!" A pink-haired girl laughed

"I...didn't even do anything.." A girl with short, light blue hair got up off of the floor and looked down at her messy clothes as they were stained and soaked with wasted food

"How dare you try to sit with us! A commoner's daughter?! Sitting with us royals, what a joke!" Princess Xia shouted out

Ivery watched her half-sister act like she wasn't in the same position as the girl they were messing with, Xia's mother is from unknown origins, and most likely a commoner.

"I'll put you back in your place!" The pink-haired girl's fist was surrounded with a yellow glow and she aimed to punch the blue-haired girl's face

Ivery refused to sit back and watch someone be bullied and abused just as she was. Her body released a golden glow and she disappeared from her spot at the MVP table. All that was left behind was golden mist.

Before she could land a hit on the blue-haired girl, Ivery held the pink-haired girl's fist in her hand.

"Who are you!?" The pink-haired girl pulled her hand back

"She's my half sister.." Xia crossed her arms and looked at Ivery

"It doesn't matter who she is, how dare you interrupt me! It seems that you have to be put in your place as well!" The pink-haired girl pointed her finger at Ivery and a yellow mist shot out of her finger and headed for Ivery's head

Ivery shifted her head to the side and the yellow mist hit the white pillar behind her. The yellow mist turned into acid and ate through the pillar's foundation.

Ivery turned her head and coldly glared at the pink-haired girl.

The pink-haired girl laughed.

"Don't expect me to hold back now.." Ivery lifted her hand up and sent the pink-haired girl flying backward several feet away.

Her body fell on a table and everyone that was seated got up and moved back

"Loki.." Ivery gently called out

Loki hopped down from the MVP table and ran over to Ivery,

"What's the best punishment suited for her?" Ivery asked

"Break her magical prowess core, so that she'll never be able to use magic again in her lifetime" Loki smiled

"Call for '𝙀𝙭𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙗𝙪𝙧'" Loki grinned

"𝙀𝙭𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙗𝙪𝙧?" Ivery shouted out

Suddenly a bright light flashed in the room and a giant golden long sword wrapped in a golden glow, materialized in Ivery's hand.

Ivery held the legendary sword in her hand and looked at the pink-haired girl.

Everyone gasped as they saw the legendary God rank S weapon in Ivery's hand.

"You think that's supposed to scare me?" The pink-haired girl got up from off of the table, her uniform was now covered with various types of food

She quickly ran over to Ivery, everyone didn't know what to expect from this fight...they all started placing their bets..

Ivery swung her sword down, not with the intent to kill but with the intent to destroy the center of her magical prowess.

A golden light shot out of excalibur and turned into a golden saucer, the golden saucer went through the pink-haired girls chest and sent her flying back once again.

She crashed into a table and it broke into pieces from the impact.

Ivery's eyes flashed with a bright golden glow, and she saw with her own eyes the damage done to the pink-haired girls prowess..

"What is this?" Ivery looked all around her and she could strangely see the center of everyone's magical prowess

She could see magical energy flow through everyone's bodies.

"𝙓-𝙧𝙖𝙮 𝙫𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣..." Loki said

"What did you do!?" The pink-haired girl weakly stood up and shouted at Ivery when she couldn't feel her magical prowess anymore

"I broke your prowess core, you'll never be able to use magic again, this is your punishment.." Ivery smiled at her

"How dare you!" The pink-haired girl felt gravely weakened but she still had enough strength to walk back over to Ivery with intentions to do her harm

"Kneel." Ivery's voice sounded out in the room

The pink-haired girl dropped to her knees against her own will. She didn't understand what just happened or how it happened, but she couldn't move her legs no matter how hard she tried.

Ivery suddenly punched the girl in her face. Everyone in the room gasped at the sight...

Ivery continued to nonchalantly punch the pink-haired girl in the face.

Since she dared to be violent and attempted to kill her, Ivery decided to give her a taste of her own actions.

Her cheek was swollen and Ivery gave her a bruised eye. She bust her bottom lip and knocked out a few of her teeth.

"Doesn't feel so good now does it?" Ivery hated people like her the most, people that get off by tormenting others...

Her desire to beat this girl was uncontrollable. Since she reminded her so much of the people that used to bully her in her original world...she let all of that frustration out on her.

"Inanna, stop! That's enough! You're going too far!" Xia shouted and grabbed Ivery's arm

"Shut the hell up, you wouldn't have said anything if she beat this girl to death, so don't act as if you have any sense of justice.." Ivery coldly glared and Xia, she pulled her arm out of Xia's hand and gestured to the blue-haired girl who was nervously standing behind her

Ivery cracked her knuckles and glared at the pink-haired girl who was bruised and crying from the pain.

"I..." Xia couldn't make up any lie for something that was all too true, she definitely would've watched and laughed if someone she didn't care about was being hit in front of her


"Alright enough of this.." Luther appeared behind Xia

"Luthe-" Xia smiled until Luther back slapped her and sent her body flying off to the side

"Your voice is annoying..." Luther didn't want to hear another word out of Xia's mouth

The impact that Xia suffered was too much for her and it rendered her unconscious. Her nose bled a lot and the blood dripped on the floor. A red mark was visible on the side of her face.

"Xia!" The pink-haired girl watched her friend fly across the room like a ragdoll

"You dared to try and hurt her, you who is a princess of a lowly country? Your mother was a concubine, and your father is an illegitimate child between a maid and his father, your blood is disgusting, you're blood is worst than a commoner's, so who are you to be able to judge another person when your blood is filthier" Luther pulled her hair and said in her ear with a smirk

Luther had perfect memory, he only needed to see you once to remember who you were, so he was able to remember who this audacious girl was.

"You also dare to start a fight in my presence? It's time for a punishment." Luther's eyes glowed

"Bastard..." Her eyes were bloodshot red, she was filled with anger

"Such foul language.." Luther grabbed her arm

With complete ease, he yanked off her arm, and blood gushed out of her wound...

She was about to scream until he pulled on her hair harder he then kicked her back inwards and cracked her spine.

She collapsed on the floor and was motionless. He threw the arm in his hand down on the floor before stepping over her body.

"Are you okay?" Luther put his hand on Ivery's soft cheek

"I'm fine." Ivery nodded

The Excalibur in her hand burst into golden particles.

Ivery looked over to the table of the slightly shocked expressions of the MVPs. She casually walked over to their table.


"Was that enough for you?" She said to the four of them with a grin


