
The Unwanted Princess

[Horror Genre Warning] [Violence, Death, and Gore warning] [ This story is not suitable for sensitive and light-hearted people ] [ Do not read if you dislike violence, death, gore, and horror ] There is a historical book about a powerless castaway princess named Inanna, living in a world where your magic defines you. In the Lilith Empire, royals born with magical abilities live in the royal castle with the Emperor and Empress. Royals born without magic are sent to live in a run-down and low maintenanced castle called the Hollow's castle, to be forgotten by the world. According to a royal decree made by the emperor, the children in the Hollow's Castle are to be executed once they turn 18 years old. But Inanna is unfortunately sentenced to death by the emperor, her own father, at 13 years old for trespassing the royal castle after she tries to save her eldest siblings from execution. The book eventually ends with Inanna's death. Ivery, who read the book is displeased by the ending. Ivery soon fell asleep after reading the book, but is suddenly awakened by a floating woman in her room. The woman tells Ivery to change princess Inanna's fate and soon after the strange encounter, Ivery was blinded by a bright flash. Once she opened her eyes, her whole world changed...literally. She was now in the body of princess Inanna, and living in the Hollows Castle. She eventually adjusts to her new life with the help of Loki, a magical snow-white talking cat that claims to be her guide, she aims to change Inanna's dreading predestined fate, until it all changes forever... For the better or for the worst? ( Cover art does not belong to me, so I'm not sure who the original artist is....but credit goes to them. )

Calistal · ย้อนยุค
122 Chs

Chapter 1: Sent To Another World In A Novel

[ WARNING: Most of this story contains intense violence, horror, death, and gore, this story is not suitable for some people and is not suitable for the light-hearted or sensitive people with vivid imaginations as well as people who do not like horror, death, violence, and gore, if you are not comfortable with death, gore, and violence, I advise to not progress any further, I repeat, if you do not like death, horror, gore, and violence, do not progress any further ]

[ Antagonistic/Villan Male Lead warning ]

[ You have been warned ]



~ Princess Inanna of the Lilith Empire was born.

Her big red eyes shone like a freshly polished, refined ruby...her faint light blonde hair laid on her head...and her cheeks were just as rosy as a beautiful red rose. The Empress's eyes were filled with adoration and love when she was given her baby girl...she then named her Inanna.

The current Empress Cassandra put two fingers on her daughter's wrist as if she was checking for a pulse and used her magic to detect Inanna's magical prowess.

Cassandra sensed that her daughter wasn't born with any magical prowess and her face turned a dark shade and immediately ordered that her daughter be sent to the Hollow's Castle, where princes and princesses are sent to if they are born with no magical prowess.

Infant Inanna cried frantically as she was taken away from her mother...minutes after birth..






The Hollow's Castle was low maintenance and had little to no maids, although it had enough maids to raise the children enough to be able to care for themselves.

The conditions of Hollow's Castle was lower than a commoner's living conditions, even though the children that lived in the Hollow's Castle had royal blood, they were equivalent to dirt in the Emperor and Empresses eyes if they had no magical prowess.

The children that live in the Hollow's Castle knew they were to be executed when they came of age, the Emperor issued a decree when the useless children that lived in the Hollow's Castle become the age of 18 years, they are to be sentenced to death.

The children of the Hollow's Castle were all magically marked on the back of their necks as a way of branding them so people would know who they were if they had ever escaped.

Any Hollow's Castle resident that has escaped should be killed on sight, according to the decree. If they are not found and killed, they will be regarded as the same as a wanted criminal.

In the Hollow's Castle, the beds were dusty and never washed, the walls crumbled occasionally and mold formed in the cracks, the wooden floors creaked with every step.

If they were to walk barefooted on the floors, the children would most often get splinters.

Bugs almost covered the place, cobwebs in every corner of the rooms, every mirror cracked and dirty, the windows were so murky that they could barely see out of the windows, due to all of the smudges and dirt covering them, the children would be lucky if there was a hole in the window and they could be able to see out of that.

With these horrible conditions, the children commonly became ill and many died from infections and untreated illnesses.

The maids were even crueler than the living conditions, they saw no benefit in treating worthless children who were going to die in a few years as their masters, since there were no consequences in mistreating the children, they did as they pleased.

The children were fed with one slice of bread and one cup of water for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, they were made to wash their own clothes, wash their own dishes and sent to bathe in nearby ponds.

This life was all Inanna ever knew, even though the kids lived like this, they made the best out of it, all because of Inanna, she was seen as the happiest of them all.

She was the only one who enjoyed this life of theirs, she didn't care for the royal life she could've had and she didn't care about the powers she wasn't born with like everyone else. She loved doing things for herself, she didn't want things done for her, as if she didn't have hands and feet of her own.

Her hobbies were playing outside if the maids let them, cleaning, and playing games with her siblings.

Everyone else knew about the other princes and princesses who were born with magical prowess, since those princes and princesses were born with magic they were able to live in the Lilith castle with the Emperor and Empress and be treated like royalty.

But even if you were born with magic it didn't guarantee that you'd be able to get the Emperor and Empress's attention, you have to be able to stand out from all the other princes and princesses.

And there were three who did stand out, those three were, Prince Liam, Prince Carviel and Princess Xia. Those three held powerful magic and are said to have brung victory and prosperity to the country.

They are also the favored children among the hundreds of their siblings. Being born with magic is just a pass to royal life, but being born with powerful magic will get you to the Emperor and Empress's eyes and possibly gain favor.

Prince Liam is the crown prince who holds the most powerful magic prowess among all the children, Prince Carviel is the second who holds the most power among them all, and is currently training to be the captain of their countries army.

Princess Xia the third most favored royal child possesses the strongest power among the princesses and is engaged to a powerhouse country's crown prince of Fresia, Luther Vandell..

His name sparks fear once it's heard...and it runs shivers down anyone's spine.

He is said to be powerful, unmatched, and ruthless, and no one can afford to offend him, he is beyond a nightmare if you are his enemy, but if you are his ally, the benefits are unimaginable.

He can crush an entire country alone, his royal rank is at the highest point. Fresia is the number one most sought after country to be allied with.

No one dares to declare war with Fresia, unless they are willing to send their country to be left in ruins..the last war involving Fresia and another country....was 10 years ago...and that country is nothing but a wasteland.

As for the magic attributes of the three Lilith Empire'ss most powerful children, Prince Liam holds the power of the Golden Dragon, Prince Carviel holds the power of Golden fire, Princess Xia holds the power of Poisonous rath.

All three of them fought in the previous battle between an enemy country three years ago, and the three of them aided in the victory of the Lilith Kingdom.

The children that lived in the Hollow's Castle were already forgotten by everyone who lived in the Lilith Castle and even it's countries, they were even forgotten about by the Emperor and the Empress, labeled as useless and disposable trash that brought nothing but shame to their country.

"Even those lowly commoners are born with magical prowess, if royalty who are far above commoners can't obtain what mere commoners have, they should be regarded as the dirt that those commoners stand on" Said by the emperor himself

And that was how the current system came to be, Inanna and her powerless siblings were made to live this way because they didn't have any magic and weren't capable of ever learning the practice of magical arts.

Inanna soon realized the tragic fate everyone faced in the Hollow's Castle, and bared witness to her 18-year-old brother and sister being taken outside on their birthday by two of the maids, and they were given to four royal guards outside of the Hollow's Castle.

Inanna tried to run after them and yelled at them to give her older siblings back, in the end, she was slapped by the head maid and forcefully dragged by her hair to her room.

The head maid threw Inanna on the floor and slammed the door shut, causing cracking sounds to come from the walls and pieces of the ceiling fell on the floor. Inanna ran to her window and saw blurry silhouettes walking towards the Lilith Castle.

Inanna couldn't just sit and do nothing as her siblings were being taken away from her, she waited until the maids had a meeting in their room and decided to save them.

She snuck out of her room cautiously, and she stealthily snuck out of the front entrance of the Hollow's Castle and she was glad that they didn't have guards at all or else she would've been caught.

Inanna walked towards the beautifully shining Lilith Castle and climbed over the shining silver fence.

Inanna then saw the four guards who had her brother and sister handcuffed, they walked to the strangely unguarded front entrance of the castle.

She tailed behind them and managed to enter the castle.

Her eyes widened as she looked around at the beautiful scenery around her, the clean marble floors showed her beautiful reflection and the clean air she wasn't used to flowed into her lungs.

Inanna almost forgot why she was there in the first place and then was reminded once she saw the guards, she saw her brother and sister being pushed into a room by the guards. When the guards left the area, Inanna snuck over to the door and slowly cracked opened the two big doors.

Inanna peeked inside and it wasn't just a room...it was the grand center of the castle, the room seemed like it was almost the same size as the Hollow's Castle itself, she saw beautiful people all around her dressed in mesmerizing outfits.

She then saw her brother and sister kneeling down at a tall handsome man's feet, the man had long blonde hair that stopped at his thighs and blazing red eyes, which could be compared to a demon's eyes.

A gorgeous lady with light blonde hair and blue eyes stood behind him but her face was contorted with disgust as she looked at Inanna's older brother and sister.

"Do you both know why you're here?" The handsome man's voice rang out

"Yes, your majesty" The both of them said

"Good, then I hope you enjoy the afterlife just as much as you enjoyed this life" A golden sword with red mist around it materialized out of thin air into the handsome man's hand and he lifted the sword up and swung it down with no hesitation, the sword sliced through their necks seeming like butter and sent their heads flying off

Inanna's heart dropped to her stomach and screamed out as she saw her brother and sister's heads roll on the floor.

Blood gushing out of their necks and their bodies falling lifelessly on the floor. Inanna ran into the huge room, she lifted up her foot and removed her shoe.

She threw the shoe at the blonde-haired man's chest, his red eyes filled with murderous intent....as he looked at this dirty girl.

"How did she get in here?" The man asked out

"We don't know your majesty" Two guards kneeled down and responded

"It doesn't matter anyway." The man held the sword that was dripping with blood in his hand

"Where are you from? Whether you live or die depends on your answer" The man coldly said to Inanna

"H-Hollow's Castle..." Inanna was shivering with fear as it paralyzed her

The entire room gasped as they heard 'Hollow's Castle', the sounds of murmuring entered Inanna's ears.

Inanna was confused as she saw that the beautiful lady standing behind the handsome man look at her with pure disgust.

"I see, since that's the case...it seems that you have to die early now" The handsome man said

"Send her to the dungeon, tomorrow she'll be executed by fire" The man turned away not looking at Inanna again

"No!" Inanna screamed

At this moment, she regretted coming here, if she could do it over again she would've stayed in her room.

She didn't want to die now, she had so many things she wanted to do. She never thought this day would be her last.

Inanna was thrown in a dirty cell by the guards and they locked the cell and walked away as Inanna cried her eyes out.

The silver cuffs around her wrists were painfully tight, each time she moved her hands she felt as if they were cutting her skin.

As time went by, Inanna knew that she wasn't going to be saved or spared.

She swore in her next life, she'll get revenge on these people. She'll rise to the top and crush them all one by one.

She'll be so powerful, no one would be able to push her around and step on her. She cried herself to sleep as her mind was filled with vengeance.

She was rudely awakened by two guards who grabbed her by her arms and pulled her out of her cell. She was taken outside and tied to a wooden pole and they put wooden logs around her feet.

The same handsome man sat on a chair above and there next to him sat the same beautiful lady from yesterday. The thought never crossed her mind that the two beautiful people who were about to watch her death were her parents.

"Ignite" The Emperor said

As he said this, a fire was lit at her feet, slowly growing larger, her screams of fear sounded out around the whole area.

She saw the fire travel up her white dress and her feet were swallowed by the fire, burning through her skin, the pain made her screams louder.

The fire traveled up her body and eventually covered her whole body, her screams stopped when the flames engulfed her head and thus she was pronounced dead.

~ END ~




"What the hell? The book ends like that?" Ivery closed the book, upset with the terrible ending

"Who wrote this stupid book?" Ivery threw the book across her room

"How could they do that do their own children? It makes no sense.." Ivery laid her head on her pillows

Ivery closed her eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep. As Ivery slept, little did she know that the book she threw glowed on the floor and a bright light covered the whole room.



Ivery opened her eyes and her room was covered with a purple light....seeming as if she had a bunch of purple-tinted lamps in her room...which she didn't.

Ivery looked up and her eyes widened and her pupils constricted when her eyes locked on a beautiful floating woman surrounded by a purple glow in the middle of her room.

"A ghost?" Ivery rubbed her eyes, and pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming

Despite feeling shocked, her expression was calm and indifferent.

"Please change Princess Inanna's fate.." The woman said

"Princess Inanna? The girl in the book?" Ivery was confused by this strange request

Ivery got up from her bed and slowly approached the floating woman..

She waved her hands around the floating woman and checked for strings. She then scanned her room for a projector when she found nothing holding the woman up, she thought this had to be a prank by one of her insufferable sisters..

"Once you've changed Princess Inanna's fate, you may return to your world" The woman's voice rang out

"Return to my world? How can I of all people be able to change her fate? If she has no magic, she'll never be noticed by anyone, let alone by her parents if she doesn't have any magical prowess.." Ivery stated she pinched herself to check if she was just having a lucid dream

"What kind of joke is this?" Ivery narrowed her eyes, she definitely was awake, she continued searching her room for the projector

"That can be arranged..." The mysterious woman's voice sounded out as a bright light flashed and blinded Ivery in the process







Ivery opened her eyes and she coughed as she could barely breathe. She rubbed her eyes as she came to and looked around,

"Oh my.." Ivery shouted as she saw the disgusting conditions of the room she was suddenly in

Ivery got up from the dirty bed and the wooden flooring creaked underneath her feet as she made contact with the floor, Ivery looked around some more and saw bugs crawling on the floor, and the cracked walls were filled with mold.

Ivery looked at a mirror in front of her and the mirror was dirty and cracked, but she was still able to see herself in the mirror, she gasped in horror as she saw her whole face had changed, and she had a young girl's beautiful face....how?

She ran her thin fingers through her light blonde hair, even though it was knotted, it still had its own charm, and she looked at her ruby gem eyes that shone with brilliance.

"Wow, what a beautiful girl..." Ivery touched her face

Ivery sighed and wondered how she could change Inanna's fate, in a world where power defines you, she inhabited the body of a powerless girl, what luck.

Ivery suddenly felt an odd sensation running through her hands and fingertips, feeling like static electricity.

She stared at the gold-tinted pinkish glow emitting from her hands, suddenly a silent burst of rose gold mist erupted from her illuminating hands, the mist slowly faded away and a beautiful snow-white cat with glistening golden-pink colored eyes stepped out from the mist.

"Wha..." Ivery looked at the floating cat that landed on the dirty table

"What a dirty room.." The cat licked its paw and looked around with nothing but disgust in its big round eyes

"You can talk?" Ivery was taken by surprise but looked indifferently at the cat

"Is it really so surprising that I can talk?" The cat narrowed its eyes as it looked at Ivery, it was confused by her calm demeanor

"It isn't something that's possible in my world..." Ivery said as she stared at him and circled around him, wondering how the cat was floating

"Well get used to it because I'm your guide in this world, or think of me as your magical companion if you will" The cat stretched

"My guide?" Ivery was confused

"Yes, I'm here to help you with your goal, and I'm also here to help you to control your magic, feel free to ask me any questions for clarity about your magic and this world..." The cat jumped up and floated in mid-air, the cat landed on Ivery's shoulder and put its paw on her forehead

"Magic...I don't have any-" She suddenly paused and felt a sense of dizziness

A golden pink colored lotus replaced her irises and an abundance of knowledge flowed into her brain.

As she blinked her irises retook their normal circular shape.

She held her left hand out and her hand glowed with a golden light, she held her right hand out and her hand glowed with a pink glow.

She touched her bed and the bed slowly changed to a clean blue bed, she was amazed by this strange ability. ..

"Magic...?" Ivery couldn't believe it, she thought princess Inanna didn't have magic...

She walked to the wall and then touched it with the tips of her fingers, suddenly the cracks in the walls sealed together, the mold faded away and the dirty walls transformed from a dirty and dusty brown color to a pure, clean white.

Ivery's feet suddenly hovered above the floor, she clumsily floated to the ceiling and stretched her arm out and touched the dusty and crumbling ceiling.

Suddenly under her fingertips, the ceiling healed itself of all its cracks and pieces missing and became a bright, clean white color, and as for the broken light above, it flickered and turned on and cast a bright and warm light in the room.

Ivery floated back down, and as her toes touched the broken hardwood floor, the wood beneath her feet turned into a smooth and polished wooden floor, the pieces of wood that stuck up from the floor laid down flat and smoothed out into the smooth wood.

Ivery walked over to the dirty and cracked windows, she lightly touched the window with her fingertip and the glass sparkled clean and the cracks healed and she could finally see clearly out of the window.

The cat jumped on the dirty and worn out table, the table sparkled clean as if it was just waxed down and scrubbed clean.

The cat leaped down on a broken chair and the chair that was broken floated up and the legs that were broken off sealed back onto the chair.

"What is this?" Ivery looked at her glowing hands

"𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯" The cat floated up to the dresser and landed on top

The dresser slowly turned clean under its paws and the wood shone as if it was heavily polished.

The cat lifted its paw and pressed it on the broken mirror above the dresser, the mirror's cracks sealed up and dirt slid down the mirror and dissipated into nothing, making the mirror glisten as if it were brand new.

The cat leaped down from the dresser and its eyes were covered with a golden glow and all the bugs in the room melted into a liquid and then evaporated into the air.

"Reversion?" Ivery sat on her newly cleaned bed

"It turns objects into the same state they were in when they were first made" The cat said

"I see....well, do you have a name?" Ivery asked the cat

"Yes.." The cat looked at Ivery

"If you tell me your name, I'll tell you mine.." Ivery told him

"I don't really want to know your name" The cat turned away from Ivery

"We're going to be together for a while right? It'll be inconvenient not to know each other's names.." Ivery sighed and glanced at the cat

"Loki" The cat turned around to look at Ivery

"I'm Ivery" She smiled at Loki

"Whatever" Loki rolled his eyes

"Wait, people are going to wonder how my room was cleaned like this.." Ivery thought about it and concluded that it would cause intense suspicion

"You can use reversion in two ways, you can change it to the state when it was made and you can change it back to the way it was before you changed it" Loki said

"Okay, is there a way to do it faster?" Ivery asked

"I'll do it for you since you're still learning your magic" His eyes glowed and a golden light flashed in the room

Ivery looked around, the room returned back to the way it was, disgustingly dirty, and dingy. She suddenly found it hard to breathe again.

The bed she sat on was full of disgusting stains and covered in dust. The floors were broke down with pieces of wood sticking out and the walls were covered in cracks and mold again.

"Someone's coming, summon me if you need me" Loki faded away with a bright glow, no traces of him to be found

The door opened.

A maid walked through the door, her hair was mainly brown but had strands of grey hair coming from her roots, her face had a few wrinkles forming.

She walked over to Ivery without a word and grabbed Ivery by her arm, Ivery was confused and wondered who this old hag was, and where was she taking her.

"Where are we going?" Ivery asked the maid

"None of your business," The maid said as she forcefully dragged Ivery down the stairs

"If you're taking me somewhere, it is my business." Ivery pulled her arm back

"You dare speak back to me? It seems we've been lacking discipline" The maid lifted up her hand and intended to slap Ivery

Ivery's red eyes glowed with a golden color and she immediately blocked the hand that intended to do her harm.

"You little!-" The maid was furious

Ivery went around the maid and ran down the stairs, the maid chased after Ivery. Ivery summoned Loki and she ran as quickly as she could.

"It seems that you're in a bad situation already" Loki floated beside Ivery as she was running away

"Never mind that, what do I do?" Ivery looked back and saw the maid tailing her

"You're oddly calm for someone that's being chased..." Loki couldn't understand how a human could seem so unbothered by being chased by an angry maid

"I've been through worst, so can you answer my question?" Ivery was getting tired of running and needed a solution

"𝘛𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵.." Loki casually said

"If I could teleport, I would've done that by now Loki..." Ivery continued to run down the halls

"You can do it, just think about where you want to go and focus hard on that place" Loki told her

"I don't know about this world to be able to picture a place.." Ivery said to him, it didn't seem possible for her to do when the only place she's seen so far has been the Hollow's Castle

"You read the book, imagine a place that the book described and focus on that" Loki explained

Ivery tried to think about the story and accidentally thought of the Lilith Palace..

"Uh.." Ivery's body glowed with a golden pink light and disappeared


She found herself in the halls of the Lilith Castle, she cursed herself when she remembered the part of the story when Princess Inanna snuck into the Lilith Castle to try and save her brother and sister from execution.

"You came straight to the enemies den, you're a smart one" Loki sighed

"You don't say.." Ivery rubbed her forehead in frustration

"It's fine, just teleport back to the Hollow's Castle" Loki floated down at Ivery's feet

"Why would I go back to the place I'm trying to run from?" Ivery asked with a raised eyebrow

"Ivery, someone is coming, hurry!" Loki heard footsteps approaching






A tall handsome man with long blonde hair that stopped at his thighs came around the corner, his menacing red eyes saw Ivery who stood a few feet away from him.

He was dressed in a long, red aristocrat coat, and underneath the coat, he wore a black and red tapestry vest and thin black pants, and black shiny shoes. As a finishing piece, he had a red fur scarf attached to the shoulder of his coat.

Around his neck was a thick shiny silver choker with a beautiful ruby gem in the center.

Both of their eyes met, his bone chilling stare didn't affect her in the slightest and she looked back into his eyes with the same cold stare.

"Loki..." Ivery started sweating as she knew all too well who the man standing in front of her was

"Ivery...you have to run, that man...he's thinking about killing you.." Loki narrowed his eyes

"How can you tell?" Ivery slowly backed up

"I can hear the thoughts of people around me, I can assure you that this man is thinking about ways to kill you..." Loki was worried

Ivery picked up Loki from the floor and ran away from the Emperor.

She messed up, princess Inanna wasn't supposed to meet the emperor this soon...

She definitely wasn't able to fight him right now if he attacked. She couldn't fight him with the limited powers she only slightly knew how to use.

So her only option at the moment was to run..

Ivery remembered one of the few powers that Loki unlocked for her and used the power of 𝘼𝙘𝙘𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 to boost the speed of her feet, she left powerful wind behind her as she ran down the endless halls of the castle.

Ivery stopped dead in her tracks as she saw a red and golden mist appear in front of her, the Emperor suddenly stepped out of that mist and walked towards Ivery.

"So he can teleport to.." Ivery held her composure and collected her thoughts

"It seems so..." Loki looked at the terrifying Emperor that was walking towards them

"Ivery...you have to teleport to the Hollow's Castle, it's better than here, that man will definitely kill you if you stay here!" Loki warned her

"I'll try..." Ivery focused on the thought of the Hollow's Castle and her body again was surrounded by a golden pink glow and she and Loki disappeared as a pink mist cloud was left behind

She teleported just in time, the Emperor was just about to grab her until he saw her disappear into pink mist in front of his own eyes.

He devilishly smiled and his body surrounded with a golden-red glow and he disappeared as red mist was the only thing left behind.


Ivery appeared right in front of the Hollow's Castle and sighed with relief that she was back.

She thought that she was going to die, that Emperor is someone she doesn't want to see ever again in her lifetime.

"Ivery!" Loki shouted as he sensed something powerful behind them

Just as Ivery was about to ask Loki what was wrong, large strong hands grabbed her and golden-red mist surrounded her and her vision was clouded by the mist.

She dropped Loki and he fell out of her hands, then she suddenly found herself in a giant and extremely spacious room.

She looked around the room and saw a giant golden bed that looked as if it belonged to a king and the room was so well cleaned where not a speck of dust or dirt was seen, the air of the room felt too elegant for her to breathe in.

The marble floors showed her reflection and most of the room was full of expensive-looking items and golden encrusted furniture.

"Where..." Ivery looked up at the tall Emperor who looked down at her

"You're a child from the Hollow's Castle, aren't you?" His eyes looked menacing

"No..?" Ivery stepped back

"Why did you go there then?" He coldly asked

"I don't know.." Ivery looked up at him

"Don't lie to me child, now answer me truthfully and I might spare you for trespassing the castle" His red eyes burned with ferocity

"I didn't trespass...you brought me here" Ivery stated bluntly

"Don't try and play games with me...girl, you were in this castle before I personally brought you back, now answer me, are you from the Hollow's Castle?" The Emperor's aura was suffocating

"If I say I am a child from the Hollow's Castle, what will happen?" Ivery asked as she narrowed her eyes

"Then you'd die, right here" He coldly answered

"Then I'm not from the Hollow's Castle.." Ivery said nonchalantly

"Then where are you from?" The Emperor crossed his arms

"I'm from..far far away" Ivery took the name of the place from a movie she saw

"Far far away?" The Emperor narrowed his eyes

"What is your name, little girl?" He asked

"Ive....Inanna.." Ivery responded

"I see.." The name sounded familiar to him

"Now, I'll be taking my leave.." Ivery turned around and walked straight to the door

"Did I say you could leave?" The Emperor raised his hand up and suddenly Ivery was paralyzed

He walked over to her and held her face up by her chin, he smirked as he looked into her ruby eyes. His eyes looked at her light blonde hair and then he wanted to prove his lingering assumption.

He leaned forward and put his forehead against hers, Ivery tried her best to move but she couldn't no matter how hard she tried, she wanted to summon Loki to help her but she needed the use her hands to do that.

"It seems that you lied.." The Emperor moved away from her and released her from his magic affliction

Finally being freed from her sudden paralysis, she looked at the emperor with confusion and was prepared to defend herself if he attacked..

"I sensed my blood potently running through your veins, you are in fact my blood daughter and you were sent to the Hollow's Castle because you had no magical prowess, correct?" The Emperor devilishly smiled

Ivery sighed, she knew that had already been found out ever since he saw her. She refused to die just as Inanna did, she won't die by the hands of this man.

Ivery's hands glowed with a golden pink flare and a burst of gold mist came shot her hands and a snow-white cat with golden pink eyes appeared out of the mist and floated in mid-air.

"So this is where you were?" Loki looked around the room and his eyes locked on the Emperor

"Loki, if I go back to the Hollow's Castle, he'll just follow me there.." Ivery whispered

"If he plans to attack you, I'll set up a shield" Loki said as he floated down and landed on the floor, hissing at the Emperor

"If you plan to kill her, expect no mercy from me!" Loki's body was surrounded by a golden pink glow, he unexpectedly grew larger and transformed into a huge snow-white panther

The Emperor's eyes looked shocked as he saw Ivery hop on the white panther that was once the little cat. Loki roared and set a golden shield around them, blocking the Emperor from Ivery.

"That cat can talk?" The Emperor raised an eyebrow

"I was surprised by it too" Ivery said as she mounted herself on Loki's back

"That's still what you humans are surprised by?" Loki sighed



"Ivery" Loki whispered

"What?" Ivery whispered back

"You're heavy" Loki shook Ivery off of his back


"Really..?" Ivery glared up at Loki


"I won't kill her" The Emperor sighed

Ivery stood up and already knew he wasn't, she just didn't know why he brought her back here and what his intentions were..

"You won't?" Loki asked

"Yes, so you can calm down now cat.." The Emperor looked at the growling white panther

Loki let down his shield and his body shrunk back to his original state, he ran over to Ivery and she picked him up. Ivery looked at the Emperor with caution.

"Come here." The Emperor ordered

Ivery looked at Loki, indirectly asking him what the emperor was thinking..

"It's safe.." Loki nodded

Ivery slowly walked towards the emperor.

She had thought about several things, including initiating an attack, if she decided to try to kill him...she'd most likely fail, she didn't know his capabilities.

And if she attacked him here and now then he'd be able to kill her on the spot, if she managed to injure him and escape, she'd end up wanted by the entire empire and allied countries for assaulting the emperor, attempted murder, and treason against her family.

Doing that not only would put her in a bad position, but that also wouldn't change Inanna's fate for the better it would only make Inanna a wanted criminal, and without money and a place to live, there's no way Inanna would live a good or better life from that, she wouldn't even know what to do since she's only 13 years old and wouldn't know how to go on from there...and that's not what the goddess wanted.

She didn't ask Loki to attack for the same reason, she didn't want to be the cause of any unnecessary conflict...a single bad decision could cost Inanna her life or freedom...

Revenge isn't her goal anyway, and she held no personal hatred for the Emperor to feel the need for vengeance, she wasn't Inanna so revenge wasn't really on her mind...although she hated what he did to the children and Inanna in the story, she still had to be wary of him...all she needed to do was change her fate...meaning she had to change something so Inanna won't end up dying.

Killing the Emperor would definitely mean Inanna won't die by his hands but...Ivery wasn't capable of that mentally and magically, she didn't know how to use her offense powers yet...so killing him or trying to kill him was off of the table.

But he didn't do anything to her yet, so attacking him without being attacked by him would be a bad move regardless..

She stood a few feet away from him, still highly cautious of him but retained her calm composure. After reading the book, she knew he was not a man to be trusted nor someone she wants to be close to.

"Closer.." He ordered again

She walked closer to him and stood right in front of him.

She hated obeying people the most, she had enough of that in her past life...but since hers and Inanna's life currently depended on her actions...she had to choose smartly.

If he tried to harm her or gave any indications that he would attack her, she would teleport as fast as she could if it ever came to that..

He grabbed her hand and put two fingers on her wrist as if he was checking her for a pulse.

He used his magic to check her magical prowess, his eyes widened and he was stuck in immense shock when he sensed an infinite amount of magical prowess...

For this little girl to have the prophesied infinite magical attribute....it was said by the saintess that only one among his children would be able to possess this infinite magical attribute, the saintess announced this attributes name as, Golden Infinity.

"No way..." The emperor couldn't believe it

"Fine I'll admit it since I can't lie anymore, I am from the Hollow's Castle...but I will promise you that I won't ever return here or show my face in front of you ever again, I'll quietly go back to the Hollow's Castle and await my fate there...so please don't follow me.." Ivery backed away from the Emperor and focused her mind on her room in the Hollow's Castle. Her body emitted a golden glow..

Before she teleported back she swore she heard the emperor say...



Before she could stop the teleportation she found herself on her dingy bed and looked around and successfully she had returned to her room in the Hollow's Castle.

She wanted to sleep...but the last thing she wanted to sleep on was this dirty bed that had the stench of mold and crawling bugs, she'd rather sleep on the dirt outside than on this bed.

"Loki" Ivery glanced at Loki

"Got it.." Loki knew what Ivery wanted and immediately changed the room to be in pristine condition

"If someone comes then change it back for me.." Ivery laid her head down on the white fluffy pillow

She didn't think the emperor would come back after her again since he didn't even want her there in the first place..

She pulled the cover over her body, she closed her eyes, and drifted off into a deep sleep.

Loki curled into a ball and laid at the end of the bed by Ivery's feet and carefully watched the door and listened out for any approaching footsteps.






"Inanna..." The Emperor sat in his chair and thought about the girl

The doors opened and the Empress entered the room and bowed down to the Emperor, greeting him. She walked towards the seated Emperor and stood in front of him, waiting for his words.

"You gave birth to a child and named her Inanna, correct?" The Emperor asked

The Empress thought hard about it and did remember naming one of her daughters Inanna

"Thirteen years ago, I do remember giving birth to a daughter that I named Inanna, I sensed that she had no magical prowess so I had her sent to the Hollow's Castle in accordance to the decree.." The Empress answered

"Alas...It seems she did have magical prowess, but it didn't develop until now, a newborn infant probably couldn't hold the attribute of Golden Infinity yet, but I guess a child can hold a portion of it" The Emperor crossed his longs legs

"Are you saying that the girl I gave birth to...?!" The Empress was shocked and her heart dropped when she realized

"She did have magical prowess but it was probably too faint to detect it, because her infant body couldn't contain the full power of an infinite attribute, if she was born with the full power of Golden Infinity then she would've died from the overwhelming power.." The Emperor narrowed his eyes

"Julian...I made a mistake.." The Empress rushed out of the room





"Are you sure you made the right decision, do you believe that girl can handle that kind of power?" A man cloaked in black and surrounded by black mist asked

"It was her power to begin with, all I did was unlock it for her a bit earlier, Loki will keep her power in balance and stop it from overwhelming her body and killing her" The woman surrounded with a bright purple light responded

"She would've been sentenced to death when she turned 18 years, the power of Golden Infinity was to be unlocked when she turned 20 years, I had no choice to unlock the power inside of her now, so now she'll do what Inanna was destined to do with her powers from the start" The woman smiled

"The girl you put into Inanna's body, is going to be upset when you tell her she can't return to her world, that's the unknown price she paid to get her powers earlier, wasn't it" The man laughed

"She'll learn to accept this new world as her own, she has Loki and I to watch over her, nothing bad will happen to this girl, I'll make sure of that, since I'm responsible for bringing her into this world," The woman said

"You're in no position to judge my actions anyway, after you went and gave that deadly power of chaos to that boy" The woman sighed

"He's doing exactly what I want him to do with it, crushing his enemies and leaving nothing but blood in his trails, ruthless, with no mercy to his enemies, cold and unfeeling eyes, he reminds me of my early days, Luther Vandell....don't disappoint me.." The man sinfully grinned

"But he's engaged to that worthless princess of the Lilith Kingdom, her magic is average, how dare they match him with that useless brat" The man scoffed

"To them, her power's are above of that a child's, that's only because they haven't seen the real power that a child can possess," The woman said to him

"I'd rather him marry your girl, instead of that damned Princess Xia" The man cloaked in black said

"We can make that happen, don't worry, Hades" The woman gently smiled at the thought

"I'm not worrying Hecate, I'm just irritated.." Hades evilly smirked

"We are the gods of this world, there is nothing we can't do" Hecate looks into a giant crystal ball and see's Ivery sleeping in her bed with Loki lying down by her feet

"I've been wondering, why did you put a girl from another world in Inanna's body when you could've simply reversed time and gave Inanna her power's earlier and gave Loki to her in order to help her control them?" Hades asked

"There's a reason why I did what I did...and one day you'll soon know why..." Hecate vaguely answered

"But instead of worrying about what I do...how about you worry about that crown prince, Luther Vandell, who you gave the infinite attribute of Dark chaos to, since there are only two infinite attributes in this world and we gave it to those children, they'll need our supervision" Hecate smiled

"....." Hades shrugged as he looked into his crystal ball and carefully watched Luther through it




What inspired me to create this story was...

"Who made me a princess" Manhwa by Plutus & Spoon

"Daughter of the Emperor" Manhwa by Yunsul & RINO

"Doctor Elise" Manhwa by Mini & Yuin

I don't mind if anyone wants to give any constructive criticism to help me make this story better! This story is nothing serious but maybe it will be serious in the future if people are really interested in the story and it's progression.

Calistalcreators' thoughts